Board of Abatement Meeting
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There will be a Board of Abatement Meeting on September 11, 2024 at the Chelsea Town Hall at 6:30 PM for parcel 061-002.000, 169 Jenkins Brook Road.
Agenda :
The Town Clerk’s Office will be closed September 2 for Labor Day and September 12 for a special training.
Coming Soon -Online Land Records- In Early October, the Town of Chelsea will be offering an online search program through Cott Systems for their land records.
November Voting News
The Vermont Secretary of State’s office will be mailing General Election ballots to all active voters in the state. They will be exporting voter data for the mailing on or around September 2. As soon as possible, voters should go to their My Voter Page ( and confirm it lists a valid mailing address to ensure receipt of the General Election ballot.
FEBRUARY 27, 2024
6:30 PM
Discussion of Articles 1 & 2
Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)
February 6, 2024
Present: Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt, William Lyon and Jesse Kay
Others Present: Gregg Herrin, Karen Lathrop
Jesse moved to approve the letter of appeal for the Sales Equalization study from Phyllis as read. William seconded the motion. All were in favor, the motion passed.
Leya moved to give the interim administrative assistance the authority to sign electronically for the VLCT Proof of Loss for the Town Hall in the amount of $4,500 for furnace room, $3,392.23 for service and replacement cost value of $4,680. Jesse seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion passed.
There was some discussion on the membrane. Leyna noted they could not find documentation on the waterproof membrane in the Town Hall Cellar. Leyna noted they needed to have someone come in get an estimate.
Leyna moved to approve the request for use of the Green for the Arts Festival on August 31, 2024. Jesse seconded the motion. Jesse noted that the food trucks should not be on the green and it should be relayed to the Arts Collective.
All were in favor and the motion passed.
Leyna moved to exit executive session at 7:33 PM. Jesse seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.
No formal action taken – Bill and Jesse to follow up with personnel.