Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2023
Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Kevin Marshia, Leyna Hoyt,
William (Billy) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Other Attendees: Tracy Simon -Emergency Management Director, Gayle Durkee, Karen Lathrop, Rick Ackerman, Bernard (Snook) Downing, Dave Conger, Pastor Bill Smith, Charles Gooding
Meeting –
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Kevin.
Conflict of Interest – No conflict of interest
Additions to the agenda – Access Permit, Reimbursement for paving
Permits – Richard Lyford property owner and Samuel Lincoln, Logger, Highway Access Permit on Hall Road. Kelly recused herself from the vote. Leyna moved to approve the application for the permit, William Lyon seconded, no discussion, all approved.
Pike Paving, East Randolph Road – reimbursement–
Municipality cost; $379,148.8
We’re expecting a portion of this will be reimbursed.
Flood Recovery:
Debris: Learned through a situational update meeting that the Town is under the burden to remove trash and debris from flood, FEMA will cover 75% if the debris is disposed of properly. Household hazmat will be picked up separately, GPS and photos have been done for each pile.
Bill moved to utilize the two roll off dumpsters that were delivered earlier this week at the Transfer Station, on Thursday, July 20th to collect flood debris. Leyna second, all in favor, motioned passed
Recovery Phase: Orange County, and therefore Chelsea, is not currently on the federal disaster declaration list. This is a two-part federal declaration; one part is for the roads, and Orange County has been declared for that. The second piece is a declaration for personal property damage, and that is the piece that will help support our citizens.
The board and Emergency Management Director Tracy, explained to residents the importance call 211 to report flood damage; Registering with 211 does not commit you to continue to file for assistance but allows for an accurate reporting of all property damage to individuals and to business’ in Orange County. This is the documentation needed to support a disaster declaration.
Division of Public Safety – Fire Marshalls have briefly inspected the electrical components of several homes that were damaged in the floods. Homes were cleared to be “occupied” if all set or were given a yellow placard that provides instructions on the next steps for the homeowners and landlord, to ensure that their power is safe.
Jesse to reach out to Chelsea Librarian to request use of library to help community members navigate 211 through the public computers.
Temporary fixes have been made to the roads by Rick, John Tilton, and Paul Beede, highway employees.
Proposal by Kevin to authorize the Selectboard to go into contract with
Dubois and King, Inc. The first phase will be doing GPS of the flood damaged roads, assessment of damage, documentation with pictures of damage. Assess the slopes (mud slides) to see if they are FEMA eligible.
Kelly moved to contract with Dubois and King under our emergency procurement policy to begin work. Leyna second. The motion was amended to include an amount not to exceed $10,000 for the First Phase. Seconded. All approved.
Kevin will work with Dave Conger of Dubois and King on the contract.
Town Buildings:
Karen to purchase a HEPA filter for Town Clerk Office.
Brian, who is the insurance adjuster for Vermont Leagues of City and Towns assessed the damage to the basement of the Town Hall, he measured the basement and photographed the pellets, pellet furnace and oil furnace. He will send his documents to the assigned insurance agent at VLCT.
Irving Oil will arrive on Wednesday to inspect the oil furnace.
Flood Recovery Financial:
Pastor Bill Smith reported there have been monetary donations being sent to our two churches to help Chelsea with community needs relating to the flood. Gayle to reach out to Mascoma Bank, Bill and Errol Hinton, the Pastor at the Congregational Church to help establish a fund.
A $200,000 short term loan was secured from Mascoma Bank to be used as needed for Flood Recovery that the town may need. Leyna motioned to approve. Jesse second. All in favor, aye’s have it and the motion is approved.
Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, there was not a second. All approve – “aye”, so moved, all orders of the night were approved by all.
Future Agendas –
Flood Recovery
Development Review Board
Chelsea Public Library
Logging Contract
Credit Card/Online Payments
Tax Rate
Executive Session – No Executive Session
Adjourn – Kevin made a motion to adjourn. Leyna seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm
Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, July 18, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall
Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Kevin Marshia, Leyna Hoyt,
William (Billy) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Other Attendees: Tracy Simon -Emergency Management Director, Gayle Durkee, Karen Lathrop, Rick Ackerman, Bernard (Snook) Downing, Dave Conger, Pastor Bill Smith, Charles Gooding
Meeting –
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Kevin.
Conflict of Interest – No conflict of interest
Additions to the agenda – Access Permit, Reimbursement for paving
Permits – Richard Lyford property owner and Samuel Lincoln, Logger, Highway Access Permit on Hall Road. Kelly recused herself from the vote. Leyna moved to approve the application for the permit, William Lyon seconded, no discussion, all approved.
Pike Paving, East Randolph Road – reimbursement–
Municipality cost; $379,148.8
We’re expecting a portion of this will be reimbursed.
Flood Recovery:
Debris: Learned through a situational update meeting that the Town is under the burden to remove trash and debris from flood, FEMA will cover 75% if the debris is disposed of properly. Household hazmat will be picked up separately, GPS and photos have been done for each pile.
Bill moved to utilize the two roll off dumpsters that were delivered earlier this week at the Transfer Station, on Thursday, July 20th to collect flood debris. Leyna second, all in favor, motioned passed
Recovery Phase: Orange County, and therefore Chelsea, is not currently on the federal disaster declaration list. This is a two-part federal declaration; one part is for the roads, and Orange County has been declared for that. The second piece is a declaration for personal property damage, and that is the piece that will help support our citizens.
The board and Emergency Management Director Tracy, explained to residents the importance call 211 to report flood damage; Registering with 211 does not commit you to continue to file for assistance but allows for an accurate reporting of all property damage to individuals and to business’ in Orange County. This is the documentation needed to support a disaster declaration.
Division of Public Safety – Fire Marshalls have briefly inspected the electrical components of several homes that were damaged in the floods. Homes were cleared to be “occupied” if all set or were given a yellow placard that provides instructions on the next steps for the homeowners and landlord, to ensure that their power is safe.
Jesse to reach out to Chelsea Librarian to request use of library to help community members navigate 211 through the public computers.
Temporary fixes have been made to the roads by Rick, John Tilton, and Paul Beede, highway employees.
Proposal by Kevin to authorize the Selectboard to go into contract with
Dubois and King, Inc. The first phase will be doing GPS of the flood damaged roads, assessment of damage, documentation with pictures of damage. Assess the slopes (mud slides) to see if they are FEMA eligible.
Kelly moved to contract with Dubois and King under our emergency procurement policy to begin work. Leyna second. The motion was amended to include an amount not to exceed $10,000 for the First Phase. Seconded. All approved.
Kevin will work with Dave Conger of Dubois and King on the contract.
Town Buildings:
Karen to purchase a HEPA filter for Town Clerk Office.
Brian, who is the insurance adjuster for Vermont Leagues of City and Towns assessed the damage to the basement of the Town Hall, he measured the basement and photographed the pellets, pellet furnace and oil furnace. He will send his documents to the assigned insurance agent at VLCT.
Irving Oil will arrive on Wednesday to inspect the oil furnace.
Flood Recovery Financial:
Pastor Bill Smith reported there have been monetary donations being sent to our two churches to help Chelsea with community needs relating to the flood. Gayle to reach out to Mascoma Bank, Bill and Errol Hinton, the Pastor at the Congregational Church to help establish a fund.
A $200,000 short term loan was secured from Mascoma Bank to be used as needed for Flood Recovery that the town may need. Leyna motioned to approve. Jesse second. All in favor, aye’s have it and the motion is approved.
Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, there was not a second. All approve – “aye”, so moved, all orders of the night were approved by all.
Future Agendas –
Flood Recovery
Development Review Board
Chelsea Public Library
Logging Contract
Credit Card/Online Payments
Tax Rate
Executive Session – No Executive Session
Adjourn – Kevin made a motion to adjourn. Leyna seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm