Author: Patty Swahn


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Sept 20, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 20 September 2022
7:30PM Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Changes to the agenda
4. Supervisor Check-in
a. Transfer Station
b. Highway
c. Water/Wastewater
5. Town Clerk
a. Liquor License request-Wagon Wheel (First Class Restaurant/Bar)
b. Liquor License request-Wagon Wheel (Third Class Restaurant/Bar)
c. Outside Consumption Permit request-Wagon Wheel
d. Elections
6. Town Treasurer
a. Budget status
b. Orders
c. Audit-request for proposals
d. Debit Card follow-up (proposal, use policy)
7. Department/Liaison Updates
a. Highway: truck sale, garage maintenance-Bruce
b. Transfer station: illegal dumping letter-Geoff
c. Water/Wastewater-Merrill
d. Town mowing request for proposals-Mark
e. Village Greens renovation and maintenance proposal-Mark
f. Health Officer: recent state alerts, etc.-Geoff
g. Animal Control update-Geoff
h. Zoning Administrator, Administrative Assistant, Planning Commission-Levar
8. Use of ARPA money discussion
a. Follow-up on previous efforts/outreach/proposals-Phillip Mulligan
b. Other ARPA comments/discussion/proposals
9. Public Comments
10. Approve minutes:
a. 6 September 2022
b. 30 August 2022
11. Administrative Assistant Report/Grants Administration
a. Village Greens/Roberts-Gould Field requests
b. Hiring for water/wastewater
c. Hiring for Administrative Assistant
d. Scheduling for 2023 budget planning/discussions
e. Arts grant/pellet furnace
f. Update on other grants
g. Access Permit request Hook Road
h. Vermont Land Trust notification of Taylor-Putney Conservation Easement, Taylor
12. Appointments and Vacancies:
a. Fence Viewers (3)
b. Inspector of lumber, shingles, and wood

c. Weigher of Coal
d. Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
e. Development Review Board Alternate 2
f. Recreation Committee (1)
g. Development Review Board
h. Planning Commission
i. Town Moderator
13. Executive Session for Human Resources (1 VSA 313 (a)3))
14. Adjourn

Special Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Sept 20, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 20 September 2022
6:30 PM Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Changes to the agenda
4. Discussion of liquor control and violations
a. Investigator Patrick Ross, Office of Compliance and Enforcement, Vermont
Department of Liquor & Lottery
b. Applicants and hosts
5. Public Comments
6. Adjourn


Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Sept 6, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 7:30 pm at Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Mark Whitney, Merrill Whitney, Geoff Clayton, Bruce Hook
Other Town Employees present: Marianne McCann (Administrative Assistant)(Herald), Gayle Durkee
(Treasurer), Rick Ackerman (Road Foreman).
Members of the public present: Gregg Herrin

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    Meeting called to order at 7:33 pm by Levar Cole.
  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  3. Changes to the Agenda
    Geoff Clayton will add a couple things. Admin. Asst. will add a couple things: letters received.
  4. Town Clerk
    Town Clerk is not in attendance. Liquor License request for event date 9-3-22 presented. Cole asked,
    since event date has passed, do we need to take action? No action taken.
  5. Town Treasurer
    Gayle Durkee stated there are no drastic changes in the budget. Cole asked if there are any drastic
    windfalls? No. Durkee stated the Canon copier lease is up. There is a quote for the same copier package.
    Can we go ahead and lease a new one for a 5 year contract? Similar to the last one. Action: Selectboard
    has no objection. Proceed.
    Gayle Durkee stated we have an updated RFP for auditor services. Last year it was around $10,000. This
    year it might be more, possibly $16,000 or $18,000. Action: Selectboard will make a decision at the next
    meeting, Sept. 20. Send the RFP to Selectboard. Add ARPA money and the single audit threshold into the
    RFP information.
  6. Department/Liaisons Updates
    Re: Highway: Truck Sale: Ready to sign a contract with Auctions International for the sale of the 2012
    International truck. Contract not sent in yet, due to possible interest from Craigslist ad. Contract would
    be exclusive sales opportunity to Auctions International. Wait and see if Craigslist sale is arranged.
    Re: Old Town Garage: Bruce Hook stated he has received many comments on the need to paint the
    roof. Hook will know more about the project details this week, because Ward wants to paint it the
    following week.
    Re: Highway Access Permit: Ruben Hook has requested a Highway Access Permit. Rick Ackerman stated
    he has looked at the location, it’s all fine, but he has not signed the form yet. Selectboard requested
    Ackerman sign the form and it will be placed on the next agenda, Sept. 20.
    Re: Hook Road Ditching Project: Ackerman stated on Monday we will start on the Hook Road Grants in
    Aid program. Tad Boardman has been contacted regarding using his excavator. This is routine work. We
    are all set. Will there be any road closings? Yes, when we do the culverts. Ackerman usually notifies the
    fire and ambulance departments for road closings.
    Re: Transfer Station: Clayton stated he has researched stickers. The general cost would be between 75
    cents and $1.25 each to get the stickers. The name and the year would be printed. One color. Simple.
    We could start this program in January. Selectboard must decide about surcharges. Selectboard must
    consult with Snook and do advertising in advance of instituting the sticker program. Non residents
    would pay for stickers. Residents would get free stickers. This is a discussion, no decisions have been
    made. Clayton suggests charging $50. for non-resident stickers. Unless, the transfer station charges for
    Cole stated he does not want it to seem like we are taking money that we don’t have to take. Nonprofits do not pay for trash. What about community organizations? This is something to talk about.
    There are different issues. Recycling costs a lot. Now there are fuel surcharges. Only one company is
    interested in doing the service for the Town. Perhaps one thing will not solve all our problems at the
    Transfer Station.
    Re: Bear Mitigation: Clayton stated he is starting on the shed this week.
    Re: Letter to Illegal Dumpers: Clayton stated he wrote a draft of a proposed letter to illegal dumpers.
    Clayton read the draft out loud. Clayton will make changes and we can sign at the next meeting.
    Re: Water/Wastewater: Merrill Whitney stated he has not talked to Nolan.
    Re: Town Mowing Cost Estimate: Mark Whitney contacted Brian Farnham and Jeremy Farnham. Brian
    did not return the info. Jeremy did return the info. Mark Whitney read aloud the dollar amounts quoted
    per piece of land mowed. (There are numerous separate pieces of lawn to be mowed throughout
    Chelsea. Each had a separate price quote.) Mark Whitney reported that Jeremy Farnham would love to
    work for Chelsea, and he could maybe do sidewalk plowing. Cole stated ordinarily we would put out an
    RFP. Cole stated we would have to work out the cost from the Highway budget and compare. Mark
    Whitney can check in and write up an RFP and go from there. Clayton stated he knew two kids
    interested in mowing. Whitney stated Brian and Jeremy both mentioned that to set foot on a town
    property, you have to carry a million dollar insurance policy.
    Re: Admin. Asst./Elected Town Officers: Levar Cole stated the Selectboard is not supervising the elected
    town officers.
  7. Public Comments
    Cole stated Kate MacLean was on the agenda. She had called about a Liquor License. Kate MacLean is
    not here.
  8. Approve Minutes
    Levar Cole moved to approve the minutes of August 16, 2022. Merrill Whitney seconded the motion.
    Motion passed unanimously.
  9. Administrative Assistant Report/Grants Administration
    Re: Hiring for Water/Wastewater job: AA reported ads up in two water oriented electronic job boards,
    Vermont Rural Water Association, and National Rural Water Association. No applicants to date. Cole
    suggests a $4,000. Signing bonus for water job. Action: Add the $4,000 signing bonus into existing ads.
    Can we change the ads if there is a person who is certified? Clayton suggested making the job a
    contracted position. Cole stated we can start talking about contract commitments. Mark Whitney stated
    the contract route would sell it as paid on the job training.
    Re: Scheduling for 2023 Budget Planning /Discussion: AA can make up a schedule fitting all
    departments into the regular Selectboard Meetings throughout the fall. Cole stated last year we booked
    everyone. We hope to start this process in mid October. Action: Re-do last year’s calendar with current
    Re: Cultural Arts Grants: Cole recommends we proceed. Cole is not concerned about moisture. The
    other concern is the State will come in and tell us what to do about fuel. We can do this on our own
    terms now. In the future, there could be legislation about new construction or no use of non-renewable
    combustible fuels. Clayton stated the State of Vermont is pushing electric. The State wants no
    combustion at all. Whitney stated oil burning is back up heat. Wood pellet would be primary heat. Cole
    stated we wanted shared risk with the State. We got it. We got the grant. We are in a lot better place
    than I thought we would be. I have no objections. Selectboard agreed. Cole signed the grant agreement.
    Re: Phillip Mulligan/Window Dressers request to be on the agenda for Sept. 20 meeting: Action:
    Selectboard will not respond. Window Dressers will not be on agenda again. Mulligan can speak on
    public comments.
    Re: TRORC Services Survey: Paper version presented to Selectboard. Action: Selectboard declined to
    participate. Cole stated I am waiting for a response from the Department of Justice, that I sent more
    than a year ago, regarding policing, when we had a problem with the town police. I asked for basic
    community pamphlets and brochures for the citizens and senior citizens about what they could do to
    remain safe.
    Levar Cole moved to approve the orders. Mark Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed
    Orders totalling:
    General: $28,427.77
    Highway: $10,970.99
    Water/Sewer: $2,725.18
  10. Appointments
  11. Executive Session for Human Resources
    Executive Session not necessary. Instead, a Human Resources discussion. Action: Administration
    Assistant will put an ad out for the AA position.
    A credit card is required for online hiring services, like Indeed. The Selectboard is in agreement there is a
    need for a town credit card. The problem is, we cannot make a mistake. We can have town people
    authorized. Cole suggests making a town credit card policy. Keep it to a minimum. Clayton stated we are
    already in a relationship with a bank. Clayton recommends not bringing on another credit card company
    to complicate the mix. There are more cyber security concerns with Visa and Mastercard. Cole stated we
    will check with Mascoma. Cole will check with Gayle and report back next meeting. Chelsea needs a
    credit card policy.
    Action: Selectboard agreed Cole will decide on overseeing an ad for the AA position. Selectboard agreed
    to move Kasey Peterson/Grants Administrator to $20. per hour. Selectboard agreed Levar Cole and Mark
    Whitney will be candidate interviewers. Selectboard agreed to advertise the pay rate for AA position at
    $25.00 per hour. Action: Re-type ad.
  12. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 9:37 pm.
    The next regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting will be Tuesday, September 20, 2022, 7:30 pm at the
    Town Hall.

Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Sept 6, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 6 September 2022
7:30PM Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Changes to the agenda
4. Town Clerk
a. Liquor license request, Babes Bar Inc. 77 Klondike
5. Town Treasurer
a. Budget status
b. Orders
c. Audit-request for proposals
6. Department/Liaison Updates
a. Highway: truck sale, garage maintenance-Bruce
b. Transfer station: bear mitigation; illegal dumping, surcharge proposal for non-
residents, Geoff
c. Water/Wastewater-Merrill
d. Town mowing cost estimates: Mark
e. Administrative Assistant, Elected Town Officers: Levar
7. Public Comments
a. Kate MacLean
b. Other comments
8. Approve minutes:
a. 30 August 2022
b. 16 August 2022
9. Administrative Assistant Report/Grants Administration
a. Village Greens/Roberts-Gould Field requests
b. Hiring for water/wastewater
c. Scheduling for 2023 budget planning/discussion
d. Arts grant/pellet furnace
e. TRORC Services Survey
f. Generator grant
g. Grant opportunities for erosion control
10. Appointments:
a. Fence Viewers (3)
b. Inspector of lumber, shingles, and wood
c. Weigher of Coal
d. Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
e. Development Review Board Alternate 2
f. Recreation Committee (1)
g. Development Review Board
11. Executive Session for Human Resources (1 VSA 313 (a)3))
12. Adjourn


Selectboard Meeting Minutes – August 30, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 30, 2022, 7:30 pm at Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Mark Whitney, Merrill Whitney, Bruce Hook
Other Town Employees present: Marianne McCann (Administrative Assistant)(Herald), Karen Lathrop
(Town Clerk), Kasey Peterson (Grants Administrator)
Members of the Public present: Owen Daniel-McCarter, Roy Hayward

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Levar Cole.
  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  3. Changes to the Agenda
    Add citizen complaint re: rogue rooster. Add: Kasey Peterson, Cultural Arts Grant, Town Hall Wood
    Pellet Furnace.
  4. Town Clerk
    Re: Liquor/Lottery Licenses: Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk, stated the State of Vermont went to an online
    portal, with no paperwork, and no signatures needed for Liquor and Lottery Licenses. The State will
    need the Selectboard to approve the licenses, but no paper. All correspondence will be via email.
    Lathrop stated she had attended a training. Lathrop asked what the Selectboard would like? A paper
    copy? Only one person (Town Clerk) will see the electronic version.
    Levar Cole, Selectboard Chair, stated we should send it to everyone, so that we can see it. We need
    time. A person who inquired today was informed that the Chelsea Selectboard does not take up items
    that are not reviewed prior to the Selectboard Meeting. If there is an emergent issue, ok. But no
    decision making on anything brand new. We need to have it on the agenda.
    Lathrop stated the scheduling has been an ongoing problem for a few years. Mark Whitney asked if
    there is any way to alter the form.
    The form is a State electronic form that saves the number of days to send. It hardly matches what towns
    actually require. Not all towns have Clerks make the decision, and many are like Chelsea, where the
    board puts on the agenda and decides at a public meeting.
    Action: give current application to Admin. Asst. Share with Selectboard. Put on agenda next mtg.
    Re: Election Costs: Lathrop presented a breakdown of election costs. We have gone over what we
    budgeted. Update for the primary: there were 229 people on the voter checklist. We will change the
    procedure for counting that. The actual checklist matched the tabulator. This year, for August and
    November, the State of Vermont is paying all tabulator charges for formatting.
    Re: Rooster Complaint: Lathrop stated there was a citizen complaint by Jen Doyle, Riverbend. Rooster
    bothered an old man. Man almost fell down. School children cross the road to avoid the rooster. Rooster
    resides at 301 Vt Route 110. Free ranging chickens in town. Rooster allegedly attacks people on
    sidewalk. Cole stated the Selectboard can give an order to destroy a dog, what about a rooster? Geoff
    Clayton is the lead on animal control. Clayton will be informed. Lathrop suggested we send the owner a
  5. Town Treasurer
    Orders presented.
    Mark Whitney moved to approve the orders. Merrill Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed
    Orders totalling:
    Payroll: $5,851.01
    Library: $1,287.70
    Recreation: $678.78
    5.a. Re: Cultural Arts Grant/Town Hall furnace: Kasey Peterson stated she was excited and delighted
    that the Cultural Arts Grant for the Pellet Heating Furnace for the Town Hall was awarded for $22,100.
    With an in-kind dollar match. Peterson has the grant contract, it can be signed now or later.
    Mark Whitney asked about the inclusion of a dehumidifier in the grant proposal. Peterson stated no, I
    do not think one is included in the quote.
    Cole stated, the board put me in charge of this decision, but I will not act on the grant agreement until
    the whole board agrees. Mark Whitney stated we should find out what we need for a dehumidifying
    system and find out what that would cost. Is the hopper a bag? What is it made of? Is it 100% sealed?
    What if the basement floods? How sealed is the hopper? Action: Get a picture of the proposed hopper.
    Cole stated we do this with the understanding that the board has questions about the humidity issue
    and how to address this issue. Action: Forward grant agreement and hopper information to Cole and
    Mark Whitney.
  6. Listers, Errors and Omissions: Grand List
    A notice has been sent to us for Errors and Omissions. It changed the Grand List. The State requires us to
    move and approve the certificate for the Listers. Cole read the new amounts.
    Merrill Whitney moved to approve the certificate for errors and omissions as presented by the listers
    for the 2022 Grand List. Bruce Hook seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
    Action: Have Listers send a copy to Admin. Asst.
  7. Department/Liaison Updates
    Highway: Re: Truck sale, Bruce Hook will be in charge. Bruce will talk with Admin. Asst.. Admin Asst.
    suggests two possible sales routes: Auctions International, and Allegiance with a firm offer.
    Transfer Station:
    Mark Whitney moved to pay the past due Myers invoices that we have put off regarding the
    surcharges, and we will pay the future ones. Merrill Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed
    Water/Wastewater: Merrill Whitney stated he talked to Nolan. Everything is fine and running smoothly.
    Confirm that Rick will mow inside water fence for the rest of the 2022 season.
    Library: Liaison position open for Library. Board agreed Cole will take it for now.
    Administrative Assistant: Cole has looked at rates for administrative assistants. Our admin. asst. is
    under $20 per hour. Cole recommends a pay increase of 64 cents per hour, which would bring the pay
    rate to $20. Cole stated this is still below the going rates, but a little bit closer. We are always concerned
    about employee retention and compensating for the good work done for the town.
    Levar Cole moved to increase the current administrative assistant pay rate by 64 cents to $20.00 per
    hour. Mark Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Selectboard Oversight and Supervision of Town Affairs:
    Levar Cole stated there are reasons for the Selectboard scrutiny of employee actions and pay rates. The
    board is responsible for overseeing town affairs. Cole summarized his email to Mark Whitney dated 8-
    21-22. Taking the oversight role, if something happens and we get deposed, here are some sample
    questions. These are questions that might be asked when there is a lawsuit. We are under increased
    scrutiny because we are taking a lot of Federal money. We need to work the best we can. It’s pay to
    play. We are taking the ARPA money. You use federal money, you are going to pay. There will be Federal
    oversight. There will be additional requirements. What I would like to do is remind us to look out for
    each other and supervise town employees and their safety concerns. I will ask the Admin. Asst. to send
    everyone this email. Put it in the record, as part of the minutes. From personal experience, I think we
    are in a good spot, but this is our daily task.
    Email attached here:
    I was thinking about recent meetings and how we need to ensure, we as board members are doing our
    management and supervision, and fiduciary duty. Here are three examples of why we need to be even
    more obvious in our exercising oversight of town and town employee activities.
    1) By statute, the selectboard shall have the general supervision of the affairs of the town and shall
    cause to be performed all duties required of towns and town school districts not committed by law to
    the care of any particular officer. That’s pretty clear.
    2) Let’s say a town employee has taken shortcuts in a process that decreases their personal safety
    margin while performing a certain activity. And they are doing this because this is the way it has “always
    been done”—i.e. getting business done as they always have rather than any malicious reason. When we
    are eventually sued by the employee, because they developed a workplace-related illness, injury,
    cancer, disability or whatever, we will be deposed by plaintiff lawyers. They are going to ask:
    Who are you?
    What is your role in supervising town affairs?
    The selectboard shall has the general supervision of the affairs of the town and shall cause to be
    performed all duties required of towns and town school districts not committed by law to the care of
    any particular officer. What is your role in supervising town affairs?
    I go to selectboard meetings
    What is your role in supervising employees?
    I sign payroll and go to meetings
    Why didn’t you take steps to mitigate the hazard the town employee faced in the subject activity?
    I wasn’t aware
    Why were you not aware of the unmitigated hazards the employee faced?
    I don’t know
    Why did you not perform due diligence to ensure work you are responsible for overseeing was done in a
    safe and effective way?
    I don’t know
    When was the last time you observed the employee performing the subject task?
    When was the last time you observed the employee perform any task?
    I don’t know
    When was the last time you assessed the employee’s performance of tasks
    So you were negligent in supervising employee activities and ensuring work was accomplished safely?
    I don’t know
    Judges will ask these questions too. (Some of these questions are also in the annual audit
    questionnaire). The answers above are a bad spot to be in. We are in a little better shape than this
    scenario, but his is why I press us to stay on top of things and ensure the board is cognizant of work
    performed by employees. This includes successes and challenges.
    The third reason.
    3) We are taking ARPA money. I’m wondering if it is just a coincidence that the IRS will be hiring 87,000
    investigators. While the money we receive will not require us to do a “single audit,” (A single audit is a
    specific, detailed and comprehensive audit consisting of more than a financial statement audit when we
    hit a federal money threshold. The phrase “single audit” is misleading.) we are basically opening
    ourselves to additional state and federal oversight and regulation of town activities. This is principally
    why the TRORC and other folks have suggested we take the revenue replacement option to reduce the
    additional accounting, reporting, regulatory, and procurement hoops we would need to jump through.
    Reduce is the operative term, not “eliminate.” Because we take this money, we open ourselves to
    increased liability in that we must ensure we dot all “i” and cross all “t” and check, and recheck, and
    recheck, and recheck, and have someone else check…. I speak from experience. I used to be on the
    other side as a fed telling small towns, states, and other federal entities to return misused equipment;
    recommending clawback of misappropriated federal funds; and making referrals to US attorneys for
    prosecution. What was really bad, in my opinion, was in very limited cases, the waste, abuse, misuse,
    and misappropriation was erroneous and done in good faith. That is what we have to look forward to if
    we don’t stay on top of how we allocate and spend this money as well as monitor the effects and
    outcomes of anything we spent it on. But it’s not just the ARPA money. It is all the federal money we get
    channeled through the state also opens us up to additional requirements, compliance, and oversight. It’s
    like the old credit card “universal default:” because you miss a payment on your Sears and Roebuck
    card, your JCPenny card gets a rate increase.
    Please let me know what you think. I think we are making progress. Thanks for your support with all of
    this. I recognize this is a balancing act and we rightly tend to avoid being overly prescriptive and
    exceedingly proscriptive. It’s still a small town; but as you’ve noted, a lot of things have changed.
    I’ve copied Gayle, Marianne, Kasey, and Tracy on this as they, in their own tasks, are familiar or will be
    familiar with what we have to look forward to.
  8. Public Comments
    Owen from Babe’s Bar in Bethel. We put in a liquor license request to cater a wedding. We were too late
    to have notice. The wedding is Saturday, 9-3-22. Generally, we get the licenses from the town clerks.
    Babe’s Bar is respectfully requesting an exception to the Chelsea Selectboard’s rule of applying early
    enough to have the application on a Selectboard Meeting agenda prior to the event.
    Cole stated we won’t take up new business without having it noticed on the agenda. We will not make
    an exception for that. We will sometimes discuss emergent issues, but decide only after it has been
    noticed by agenda. We have our meetings every other week.
    Owen stated the wedding is happening this weekend. It was scheduled with us a month ago. We could
    have done a better job of understanding the town’s policy. Is there any way an exception could be
    Lathrop suggested that applicants always call the town prior to application. A lot of small towns do not
    have the ability to just have the Town Clerk electronically sign off immediately. The State made the
    form. There could be a statement to that effect on the form.
  9. Approve Minutes
    Levar Cole moved to approve the minutes of August 2, 2022, with changes. Mark Whitney seconded
    the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
  10. Administrative Assistant Report/Grants:
    Re: Hiring for water/wastewater and signing bonus options: Are we continually going to have a
    problem? Yes. The board discussed pay. Merrill asked if we would end up paying an assistant a higher
    rate than the Chief Operator. Cole said given the fringe benefits of the Chief Operator, the dollar rate
    might be higher, but not the overall rate. Assistant pay would still be lower and would not receive the
    additional benefits because the hours are lower.
    Admin. Asst. reported placing ads on two electronic water job bulletins. Vermont Rural Water
    Association and National Rural Water Association.
    Cole stated we need to spend the money on Indeed. We spend the money and pay a fee. Are we good
    with having a signing bonus, with a ceiling of $4,000? Agreed. I will talk with the Treasurer and
    determine the amount we can pay.
    Levar Cole moved to approve the Residential Water Application for 271 VT Route 110. Mark Whitney
    seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Re: Grants in Aid Grant Agreement: Cole stated in would be helpful if we had the town road plan. It
    helps to show a plan when we apply for grants, FEMA. etc. Henry was trying to put together a group of
    people to work on developing a plan. There is an opportunity for us to do better. It was noted the State
    has a plan for hydrologically connected roads.
    Levar Cole moved to approve the Grants in Aid Agreement of $35,500., with a 20% match of $8,875..
    Merrill Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Re: ATV Ordinance follow up: Levar Cole has a question for Mark Whitney. Is the board interested in
    putting up thousands and thousands of dollars for signs saying no ATVs at every road? There are signs in
    Corinth. Should we put up signs everywhere? Even though you have received the literature (green
    mailer) in the mail, can you ride? Mark Whitney stated if it’s supposed to be as it always has been, then
    maybe we should have an ordinance that everybody should ride everywhere. Cole stated, we have run
    out of time. We will get to other questions another day.
  11. Appointments:
  12. Executive Session for Human Resources
  13. Executive Session for Real Estate
    Levar Cole moved to enter Executive Session for Real Estate options (1 VSA 312 (a)2) and inviting
    Marianne McCann into the Session at 9:17 pm. Bruce Hook seconded the motion. Motion passed
    Levar Cole moved to exit Executive Session at 9:34 pm. Merrill Whitney seconded the motion. Motion
    passed unanimously.
    Afterwards, it was agreed that Bruce Hook will be the point of contact to figure out the painting of the
    Old Town Garage by Tim Ward. Paint cost is estimated to be 600 to 1,000 dollars. If it will be more,
    Bruce Hook will be back in touch with the Selectboard.
  14. a. Snook had mentioned that he was supposed to get $20.00 per hour. Cole stated he did not know
    the details. Geoff is not here. Cole stated he has talked to at least 30 people last year. No one wants to
    do the Transfer Station job. We were lucky to get K. Gale as the assistant. Cole will check with Geoff
    Clayton. Mark Whitney asked, Is it in the budget? Cole stated just assume the budget will be exceeded.
    Merrill Whitney moved to bring Snooks pay rate up to $20.00 per hour. Bruce Hook seconded the
    motion. Motion passed unanimously.
  15. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 9:47 pm.
    The next regularly scheduled Chelsea Selectboard Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 6, 2022,
    at 7:30 pm in the Chelsea Town Hall.

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – August 16, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 16, 2022, 7:30 pm at Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Mark Whitney, Merrill Whitney, Geoff Clayton, Bruce Hook
Other Town Employees present: Marianne McCann (Administrative Assistant)(Herald), Nolan LaFrancis
(COO Chelsea Water/Wastewater), Rick Ackerman (Road Foreman), Snook Downing (Transfer Station).
Members of the Public present: Susan Elder, Peter Amber, Robin Amber, Tim Ward

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    Levar Cole called the meeting to order at 7:31 pm.
  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  3. Changes to the Agenda
    Admin. Assistant added 2 items under A.A. Report. Susan Elder added request for Chelsea Arts Collective
    under Public Comments.
  4. Town Clerk
  5. Town Treasurer
    None. Orders presented.
  6. Executive Session for Human Resources
    Levar Cole moved to enter Executive Session for Human Resources at 7:35 pm. Only the Selectboard
    members at first, then inviting town employees in. Mark Whitney seconded the motion. Motion
    passed unanimously.
    Levar Cole moved to exit Executive Session at 7:40 pm. Geoff Clayton seconded the motion. Motion
    passed unanimously.
    Afterwards, no decisions were made.
    Levar Cole stated there are employee and Selectboard concerns. The Selectboard has asked employees
    to reduce overtime. Let the Selectboard know if there are problems. If, after instructions, the tasks are
    impossible or impractical, let us know. Do things as we ask. We (Selectboard) would rather find out that
    there are problems or concerns from employees first. One issue we are working out is employee
    retention. 3 people have left in the past 2 years. We were not told, for a couple of them, until after they
    were gone. We are counting on you (employees) to let us know if someone is thinking of leaving. We do
    not want to lose someone for an extra 75 cents an hour if we could have done something about it. Cole
    suggested at the last meeting classifying everyone as public works professionals, because of the
    constant controversy about mowing. The Selectboard can change people’s jobs to meet the needs of the
    Town. So that everybody would mow. Cole stated Mark Whitney had said cutting everybody’s pay and
    hiring a new supervisor for public works might not be a good idea, because it adds another layer. If it
    makes the trains run on time, I will fight Mark on that.
    Cole stated one question the Selectboard has is we have hired Jason Hook to help Nolan. Nolan, should
    we have the road crew go back to monitoring you while you go in the hole, if Jason is not working out?
    Nolan LaFrancis stated Jason is working fine for his obligation. The mowing at another time would not
    work for Jason right now. Cole asked: How has the plant been getting mowed? Rick has been mowing.
    Jason has weed whacked. Cole stated, if Jason is not able to do the mowing, should we be looking to fill
    that temporary position with someone else, irrespective of what the season is? LaFrancis stated I guess I
    would expand the road crew, so I could borrow the road crew as needed. I have no problem with it.
    Clayton reminded the group that if we go into more personal things, we must go back into Executive
    Cole stated we (Selectboard) get a lot of comments from the public about employee performance. We
    need to know the work is getting done. Nolan LaFrancis must come to us with information so we can
    make decisions. We are very sensitive about money. We are concerned about paying an employee and
    the work is not getting done.
    LaFrancis stated it has been suggested to me to call Rick, have Rick bring over the mower, and leave it
    for me to mow. That makes no sense at all. Rick can just do it when he is over here.
    Cole asked LaFrancis, can you use a push mower? LaFrancis stated a push mower can be used. I will not
    use a push mower. I have health issues that prevent me from using a push mower. I will not discuss my
    health issues.
    Cole stated, when you cannot do something, tell us, so that we can make an accommodation. We need
    to know from you, Nolan. Merrill Whitney will be in contact with you.
    Ackerman stated we leave the mower at the Town Garage. I service it. Repairs can be made. Geoff
    Clayton had asked if the mower could be left in the shed at the Water/Wastewater Treatment Facility.
    Cole stated, Snook, you do a very good job advocating for Kri, if there are problems or schedule changes
    at the Transfer Station. Thank You. Is there anything else you need us to do? Snook stated, nothing.
    There are no issues.
    Cole stated, Rick, you needed clarity last time regarding roadside mowing. Rick Ackerman stated, the
    roadside mower is waiting for seals, it was leaking. The truck is parked up on the road with a for sale
    sign. Cole asked, can you get all the roadside mowing done, even with the delay? Ackerman stated yes.
    Cole asked what else do you need from us? Ackerman asked what about overtime? Cole stated try to
    have no overtime. Ackerman stated, I am trying.
    Cole stated one of the things that we have heard is that people feel they can use overtime because
    there are less employees than were budgeted. It does not mean that we can burn through it in
    overtime. When you come up to a point where it will be challenging, just let us know. Slow things down
    and pick them up the next week. Give the Selectboard a heads up. The Selectboard might need to use
    some of that money as signing bonuses for potential employees at the sewer plant.
    Cole asked Ackerman, are there any outstanding issues? Ackerman stated the Town of Tunbridge wants
    to know if we would haul sand for them. 112 dollars per hour is what they would pay. It might be a way
    to offset a little of the fuel money. Brief discussion about possible costs and possible payment. Cole
    asked, is this something we need to decide now? Ackerman told Tunbridge he would have to run it by
    the Selectboard, because we are not trading. Cole stated a trade would be fine. But, if it costed us more,
    it would not. Ackerman stated he figured we could probably make 500 bucks per day. Ackerman stated
    he could do one run and see exactly how much fuel it would burn. Selectboard agreed Mark Whitney
    and Bruce Hook can decide.
    Clayton asked Ackerman if he had contacted Duranaleau about the sewer plant river bank erosion
    project. No. The estimate was $6,000 to place rip rap along the riverbank for stabilization.
    Cole asked LaFrancis, is there anything else we can do to support you? We are still looking for a
    permanent part time person to support you? No. If there is an emergency, I will call on Rick or one of his
    crew. I have not called him so far. Cole asked, should we cut back on your duties? La Francis replied, no.
    I am doing overtime on the sampling periods. They are time sensitive. Cole stated, we will put Merrill
    back on the task to see if there is anything we can cut back on. LaFrancis stated I am certified. I am a
    professional. I have to sign a chain of custody on the water samples. No one else can do this. I am doing
    what the State requires me to do. Cole stated overtime is when the Town is asking you to do extra work.
    It incurs a debt. Cole stated the Admin. Asst. can advertise the position again, and the COO will do the
    initial vetting on the applicants, as before.
    LaFrancis asked, what about the mowing? Can we end the season with Rick mowing inside the fence?
    Merrill Whitney stated we have no other choice. Have Rick do it for now.
    Cole stated we are going to do a study to see if a contractor mowing might save the town money. Just
    keep going as you are (with mowing inside the WWTF fence.), we will check in again in a month on
    September 20.
    Cole stated contact the Selectboard whenever there is a challenge. We are the ones with our necks on
    the line. The Town holds us accountable to make and follow through on decisions.
    Snook Downing stated, I was told that I was going up to 20 dollars per hour. Is that going to happen?
    Cole stated Geoff Clayton will get back to you on that.
  7. Public Comments
    Susan Elder, speaking on behalf of the Chelsea Arts Collective, re: their event on Sept. 3, asked a
    question about the Green and surrounding roads. Requested road closure or partial blockage for the
    “Arts Bus” vehicle. Request would include sawhorses, a sign, and some cones to block off an area
    between the road from the library to the church.
    Geoff Clayton moved the Selectboard give Mark Whitney authority to make a final decision. Barring
    any exigent circumstances the Selectboard approves the event through traffic closure. Merrill
    Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Susan Elder requested Selectboard approval for utilizing vacant FEMA properties in town for some
    “pollinator” (annuals) gardening. Elder sought approval to look for grants and make a plan.
    Geoff Clayton moved to allow Susan Elder to proceed with researching grants for pollinators and put
    together a plan for gardening on the vacant FEMA lots, without any commitment. Merrill Whitney
    seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Peter Amber stated he was present because he had thought the Farmer’s Market people would be here,
    and he was here to provide input/information about parking on the Greens.
    Tim Ward stated he would like to purchase the Old Town Garage, if the Town had any interest in selling
    that property. Ward is an abutting landowner. Ward asked what the process would be for purchasing
    the property. Cole stated, ordinarily, real estate transactions would be discussed in Executive Session.
    Cole stated we would talk first with anyone who is storing stuff there.
    Tim Ward stated the Old Town Garage is in the historical district, it’s on the main street, it’s very visible.
    If the Town will not sell the property, I will offer the Town of Chelsea to paint the building, if you buy the
    paint. I will spray the building. I am community oriented. Let’s make it beautiful. Let’s do this soon. Cole
    noted that Mark Whitney will hold you to that offer.
    Robin Amber stated she would like to thank the town crew for all they do. They are very appreciated.
    Peter Amber stated arborists have trouble with mowing. When you change contracts, the trees get hurt.
    Rick has been trained. When you consider a mowing contractor you need to look at these things. Rick
    does a really good job protecting the cambian layers.
  8. Department Liaisons/Updates
    Re: Village Greens parking: Mark Whitney stated he has been in contact with Kristianne Gale. Whitney
    is informed that it is not a good idea to park on the green, it should be avoided. At the last Farmer’s
    Market, it was noted the vendors were parking around the edges. Managers change at the Farmer’s
    Market. Cole noted the Selectboard’s policy has been in place since 1984. Peter Amber stated he and
    Ackerman took a tree down. Amber stated there are 13 trees that should be trimmed. The best time to
    cut is in the spring.
    The Selectboard agreed that Mark Whitney will put together a maintenance plan for the Town Greens.
    This will be on a future agenda in September.
    Re: Roadside Mowing: Mark Whitney stated his understanding that the Town would be buying the seals
    for the borrowed tractor repair. Mark Whitney stated he will be getting a quote from Jeremy Farnham
    for town mowing. Mark Whitney stated a good share of land care businesses are proud of what they do
    and responsive to potential dry or sensitive conditions. Cole stated those are issues that we will keep in
    touch with the Road Foreman about.
    Re: Transfer Station: Geoff Clayton stated the trash hauling contract has next to nothing in it. Generally,
    the normal course of business is to reflect the fuel surcharges in the contract. Historically, if you have
    done one thing with a company, you cannot start complaining about that thing.
    Brief discussion about Myer’s contract and fuel charge. Action: scan the Myer’s invoice and send to
    Selectboard for review.
    Clayton stated the illegal dumper came and paid Snook. We are the Selectboard. We can make a change.
    Recycling costs us. Non residents do not pay taxes here. We should charge them. They should pay more,
    or we should close to non-residents. Something different should happen. Cole stated Mark Whitney had
    that same concern last year. Mark Whitney asked how much we are losing per bag? Maybe the
    containers do not need to get picked up every week, to save money. Bruce Hook stated Illegal dumping
    in Barre City is a $800 fine. You only do it once. Clayton stated last year someone brought a tractor
    trailer load of stuff to dump. That person was told no. We need to stop non-residents using our Transfer
    Station, or make it cost-effective. Action: Clayton will come up with some ideas. Put this item on next
    agenda. Clayton will bring draft letter re: illegal dumping to next mtg. Inform Snook first.
    Re: Planning Commission: Cole stated Dickson Corbett is leaving town. AT&T requests another public
    meeting re: cell tower. Let the Planning Commission take the lead on this, the Selectboard will leave it
    alone, is Cole’s recommendation. Mark Whitney noted that the Fire Department will present a letter to
    the Selectboard re: cell tower approval. Clayton stated the Selectboard is in agreement that Corbett and
    the Planning Commission will carry on.
    Re: Portfolio/Liaison options: Cole recommended Bruce Hook be the point person for the Highway
    Department, the first person the Highway Dept. will get in touch with on the Selectboard. Bruce Hook
    agrees to be the Highway Dept. Liaison.
  9. Approve Minutes
    Levar Cole moved to approve the minutes, with changes, of the July 25, 2022 Informational Hearing.
    Geoff Clayton seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
  10. Administrative Assistant Report/Grants
    Use of Village Greens request by Chelsea Public Library for a month long plant swap to be placed on the
    South lawn of the Town Hall from Sept. 3 to October 1. Approved.
    Use of the Roberts Gould Athletic Field request by the Central Vermont Baseball League for Fall baseball
    Aug. 16 through October 16. Approved.
    Letter from Kristianne Gale re: Farmer’s Market notification/already discussed.
    Letter from Last Mile Motorcycle Ride re: coming through town on Route 110 on Saturday, August 20
    about 11 am.
    No bids were received in response to the RFP for the Chelsea ADA Sidewalk Project. This project will
    likely be put out to bid again in the spring for completion in 2023.
    ATV Ordinance follow up: Levar Cole noted he has some questions and comments but there is no time
    tonight. ATV Ordinance follow-up will be on the next agenda.
    Re: Moxley Bridge: Clayton has not contacted anyone at VTRANS yet.
  11. Appointments
    Geoff Clayton moved to approve the orders. Merrill Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed
    Orders totalling:
    Payroll: 6,447.35
    Library: 1,103.26
    General: 4,831.56
    Highway: 7,926.00
    Water/Sewer 1,706.45
    Levar Cole forgot to give a copy of the personnel policy to the Department Supervisors. Action: Admin.
    Asst will give a copy to each Supervisor.
    Mark Whitney stated he worked the numbers during the meeting re: Chelsea Highway Dept. hauling
    sand for the Town of Tunbridge. Whitney estimated 66 miles round trip. Whitney estimated 537 dollars
    if future wages, so 371 dollars is what would be left over. Not figuring in wear and tear. Just fuel and
    what we would pay the employee to run the truck. Clayton stated, so you figure about 300 dollars per
    day profit? Rick told us 8 dollars per yard. After figuring fuel costs you are down to 371 dollars per day.
    Whitney estimates a minimum of 45 minutes loaded. Cole stated, Mark Whitney and Bruce Hook are
    considering and will make a decision.
  12. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 10:05 pm.
    The next regularly scheduled Chelsea Selectboard meeting will be Tuesday, August 30 at 7:30 pm in the
    Chelsea Town Hall.

Selectboard Meeting Agenda – August 30, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 30 August 2022
7:30PM Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Changes to the agenda
4. Town Clerk
a. VT Department of Liquor and Lottery update-electronic applications
5. Town Treasurer
a. Budget status
b. Orders
6. Listers-Errors and Omissions: Grand List
7. Department/Liaison Updates
a. Highway-truck sale-Bruce
b. Transfer station-Myers surcharges; bear mitigation; illegal dumping, surcharge
proposal for non-residents, employee pay-Geoff
c. Water/Wastewater-Merrill
d. Portfolio/liaison options-Levar
e. Administrative Assistant-employee pay-Levar
f. Selectboard oversight and supervision of town affairs-Levar
g. Riverbank erosion-Geoff
8. Public Comments
9. Approve minutes:
a. 16 August 2022
b. 2 August 2022
10. Administrative Assistant Report/Grants
a. Village Greens/Roberts-Gould Field requests
b. Moxley Bridge update
c. Creamery property drainage updated proposal
d. Hiring for water/wastewater and signing bonus options
e. Update on pollinator proposal
f. Residential building water application-271 VT 110
g. Grant Agreement for Grants in Aid
h. ATV Ordinance follow-up
11. Appointments:
a. Fence Viewers (3)
b. Inspector of lumber, shingles, and wood
c. Weigher of Coal
d. Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
e. Development Review Board Alternate 2
f. Recreation Committee (1)
g. Development Review Board
12. Executive Session for Human Resources (1 VSA 313 (a)3))
13. Executive session for real estate (1 VSA 313 (a)2))
14. Adjourn


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – August 16, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 16 August 2022
7:30PM Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Changes to the agenda
4. Town Clerk
5. Town Treasurer
a. Budget status
b. Orders
6. Executive Session for Human Resources (supervisory performance, conditions of
employment-(1 VSA 313 (a)3))
7. Department/Liaison Updates
a. Highway-town mowing and roadside mowing-Mark/Rick
b. Village Greens parking-Mark
c. Transfer station-Myers surcharges outside of contract; bear mitigation; and illegal
dumping letter-Geoff
d. Water/Wastewater update on staffing and mowing-Merrill
e. Town Hall-clean-up, storage, maintenance-Levar
f. Planning Commission/AT&T petition-Levar
g. Portfolio/liaison options-Levar
8. Public Comments
a. Susan Elder-pollinator planting on FEMA buyout lots
b. Other comments
9. Approve minutes:
a. 2 August 2022
b. 25 July 2022 Information Hearing
10. Administrative Assistant Report/Grants
a. Village Greens/Roberts-Gould Field requests
b. Moxley Bridge renovation update-VTRANS
c. Sidewalk renovation RFP update
d. ATV Ordinance follow-up
11. Appointments:
a. Fence Viewers (3)
b. Inspector of lumber, shingles, and wood
c. Weigher of Coal
d. Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
e. Development Review Board Alternate 2
f. Recreation Committee (1)
g. Development Review Board
12. Adjourn


Selectboard Meeting Minutes – August 2, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 2, 2022, 7:30 pm at Town Hall
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Mark Whitney, Merrill Whitney, Geoff Clayton
Other Town Officials/Employees present: Marianne McCann (Administrative Assistant)(Herald), Rick
Ackerman (Road Foreman), Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer), Kristianne Gale (Transfer Station Assistant)
Members of the public present: Bruce Hook, Jeremy Hook, Trudy Dowlin, Emily Reiss

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    Levar Cole called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm.
  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  3. Changes to the agenda
    Admin. Assistant adds items. Pacif Grant signature. Mail items.
    Levar Cole stated a Selectboard member, Henry Cesari has resigned as of today, August 2, 2022. A
    Selectboard member has been added to appointments.
    Add Transfer Station/ Bear Shed/ Cones/ pollution. Add truck sale and VLCT Town Fair under Admin.
  4. Town Clerk
  5. Town Treasurer
    Gayle Durkee presented the budget status. Durkee stated The Transfer Station is doing well on the
    overall amount now, but by the end of the year it may not be. Myers increased the “environmental fee”.
    Geoff Clayton will research the Myers contract. Clayton recommends paying the undisputed portion and
    not the additional fee until approved.
    Mark Whitney moved to approve the orders except for the Myers invoice. Geoff Clayton seconded the
    motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Orders totalling:
    Payroll: 5,745.83
    Library: 1,283.34
    General: 25,332.44
    Highway: 12,548.22
    Water/Sewer 2,315.73
    Durkee stated the tax rates have been determined, and she explained the mathematical process briefly.
    Tax rates have gone down because the school tax rates went down. If approved, tax bills will be printed
    Geoff Clayton moved to approve the tax rate as presented by the Town Treasurer, with the
    Homestead tax rate of 2.3215 percent and the Non-Residential tax rate of 2.4020 percent. Merrill
    Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
  6. Department Updates/Liaison Updates
    Re: Highway Dept. Mark Whitney stated he asked Rick Ackerman, Road Foreman to be here tonight.
    Roadside mowing is being done using Vershire’s tractor. Rick Ackerman stated we swap work. Other
    than the cost of fuel, there will be no out of pocket money. Vershire brought it over and we just started
    mowing with it. Cole stated the Selectboard understanding was that Henry Cesari would check on the
    cost. What can we do for greater clarity? Should we have Rick take it back or continue mowing? Cole
    noted that it is the Selectboard’s call to make. Mark Whitney stated some roads are mowed and some
    are not. Now we are committed, because we can’t do some and not others. Merrill Whitney asked what
    percentage of all the roads are mowed? Ackerman stated the main drags are done first. One pass at
    least. It would be another week to get the rest of the main roads done. The more traveled roads would
    be next. On Bradshaw Crossroads, the brush is growing way into the road. The mowing tractor burns
    about a gallon or 2 gallons per hour. Brief discussion about the cost of Diesel fuel. Jeremy Hook
    recommended not to try to save money by only doing intersections, or portions of roads. Hook
    recommends keeping the mower on the ground and keep going while moving to and from intersections
    even though you move slower. Geoff Clayton stated at this point in the grand scheme of things, we have
    it, it needs to be done, doing it today is usually better than doing it tomorrow, just do all of it. If we had
    rented a tractor it would have been 18 to 20,000 dollars. Cole stated he is thinking about the math.
    Mark Whitney stated spend the money, when the tax rate goes up to 4 percent, it will just go up. Merrill
    Whitney stated at this point, we should finish mowing the roads. Cole stated we just need to make
    people aware that we are doing the best we can. Clayton stated we should follow up with a written
    email immediately, so that everyone is clear on what we decided, and we can go back and check the
    record. Cole stated we should strive to do so the very next day.
    Re: General Mowing. Mark Whitney spoke with 2 contractors, who will give us a town mowing estimate.
    We are getting estimates to see what our options are. Cole said we might find in-house is cheaper or inhouse costs more. The estimate will inform us, but will not be the sole factor in our decision. We cannot
    make decisions without information. Cole stated we need to see what we can save. Whitney stated it
    has been brought up that our highest paid town employee is mowing. Whitney wants the actual
    numbers to be able to respond.
    Re: Truck Sale. Whitney asked what was the code? Ackerman stated unknown. Ackerman will park the
    truck by the road with a for sale sign. Re-post on Craigslist.
    Re: Transfer Station. Clayton stated the Transfer Station closed early on Sat. July 30, 2022. Clayton went
    down to the Transfer Station early the next morning , cleaned up, and found out who left the trash
    outside the gate. Clayton proposes writing a letter banishing the person from using our transfer station
    as well as reporting her to the authorities. Clayton stated he will write the letter. Inform Transfer Station
    employees first. Action: put on next agenda. Admin. Assistant reported ordering 3 safety vests for
    Transfer Station. Clayton reported the Bear Shed will be put together soon.
  7. Public Comments
    Emily Reiss is a vendor at the Chelsea Farmer’s Market and shared her concerns about trees on the
    Green and parking on the Green in response to recent discussions about maintaining the Greens and
    tree maintenance and parking vehicles on the Greens. Reiss stated she is a vendor who has parked on
    the Green. Reiss recognizes there is a 1984 ordinance that allows the Selectboard to approve parking on
    the Green. Reiss stated parking feels really tight as it is, she is invested in growing the Farmers Market,
    and is wondering about where vendors and patrons should park, what are the possibilities? Reiss sent
    an email to the Chelsea Selectboard. Reiss suggested having lines drawn to regulate the parking around
    the green. Reiss requests that the Farmers Market is considered in the Selectboard plans for the Greens
    moving forward.
    Cole stated we have not made a decision on a Greens plan, or any enforcement yet. We are concerned
    about trees dying and how we can meet the agenda of the town and have a nice Green and healthy
    trees and incorporate public comments. We will need to do some kind of renovation on the greens to
    mitigate the damage. Clayton stated we will not make more parking spaces. Lines will not change that
    Kristianne Gale recommended having unloading zones on both sides of the Green, so that vendors can
    drive in and unload for events. Jeremy Hook stated that 110 and 113 are State roads. Cole stated any
    decisions will be made publicly and candidly. Gale asked if it is permissible to place cones to reserve a
    parking space for large vehicles occasionally. Clayton replied yes, on the town side. Cole stated as a
    board, we can consider and give special permission for a food truck, or anyone to drive on the Green.
    Trudy Dowlin requested her water bill be reduced to one unit, from two units. Dowlin stated when she
    bought the house, they turned it into one unit. The water bill is confusing and does not say anything
    about two units. Dowlin believes she is being over charged. Cole stated we need to make the change at
    a Water Dept. Board Meeting. (next meeting is Sept. 20.) Clayton asked if Dowlin physically changed the
    building. Dowlin stated yes, there was a wall. Action: Gayle: check with Nolan.
  8. Approve Minutes
    Levar Cole moved to approve the Selectboard Meeting Minutes of July 19, 2022. Mark Whitney
    seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Admin. Assistant noted that changes were made to the first draft of the minutes.
  9. Appointments
    Bruce Hook asked to be appointed to the Selectboard. Hook stated he has been wanting to do it for
    awhile, and my wife passed away, and I have a little bit of free time.
    Cole stated he will open the floor for the Selectboard term expiring in 2024. Appointments are until the
    next Town Election or the next Town Meeting. Mark Whitney nominated Bruce Hook.
    Cole stated if appointed, no action can be taken until you are sworn in by a Justice of the Peace or a
    Town Clerk. Cole read the list of names of people that could swear in a Selectboard member. Cole stated
    generally, the State allows us to go into Executive Session to discuss appointees. In this case, no board
    member requested it, so an Executive Session was not necessary.
    Selectboard voted unanimously to appoint Bruce Hook to the vacant Selectboard seat.
    Hook was advised about the rules for public records, have a separate email for town business, and other
    Selectboard adopted rules and meetings.
  10. Administrative Assistant
    No Village Green Requests, No Roberts Gould Field requests.
    Moxley Bridge Renovations. Geoff Clayton has the file. Was VTrans contacted? Not yet.
    Request for proposals – sidewalk renovation. McCann stated Kasey Peterson is taking over managing the
    entire sidewalk project. Request for proposals are on the website and will be in the Herald for the next
    two weeks. Bids will be opened August 16th at the Selectboard Meeting.
    ATV Ordinance follow-up. Levar Cole stated I’ve had a number of phone calls to my house regarding the
    ATV Ordinance disapproval. They voted to disapprove because they got a flyer in the mail, and saw on
    facebook, and on front porch forum, posts giving the impression that it would be illegal to ride an ATV
    on Chelsea roads anywhere if they did not disapprove. Is that correct? Mark Whitney stated unless we
    (Selectboard) pass an ordinance making it legal, it is not legal. So, all of our roads right now are closed to
    ATVs. Cole asked, so, if there was some literature put out saying that if you did not vote to disapprove
    the ATV ordinance, then ATVs on any roads would be subject to civil penalties, that would be an
    inaccurate statement. Mark Whitney agreed. Cole stated a number of comments were made about
    opening all roads to ATVs. Cole asked Whitney, when you were on the ATV Committee, you were looking
    at a limited benefit, only a small section of roads opened. Whitney stated the committee was largely
    made up of people that were not for ATVs. The compromise that was made was just a tiny area, a loop.
    Cole asked can we send Geoff Clayton to Town Fair? Clayton stated he thought Bruce should go. Maybe
    we can send Bruce and Merrill. There is also a Leadership conference. Admin. Assistant will send info on
    this to all Selectboard members.
    Municipal Health Equity survey was filled out by Levar Cole. Cole read his statement out loud. Cole
    explained what initiatives the Selectboard was working on in Chelsea.
    It was noted Dickson Corbett will be moving away from Chelsea. The Town Planning Commission will be
    director-less. Also, Chelsea will need a new moderator. Action: Admin. Asst. will send a note to Bob
    Brannon, vice chair of the Planning Commission. Selectboard recognizes Dickson is moving. Please put
    Selectboard members on all Planning Commission emails and communications as though we are
    members. Copy Cole.
    Rick Ackerman wished to clarify with the Selectboard that he is not supposed to be mowing any water
    and sewer facilities. Nolan and Jason are supposed to be doing the mowing inside the plant. Ackerman
    asked, but what about the other water locations? Away from the plant? Brookhaven, Kennedy, Behind
    the old Garage, water tank. Merrill Whitney stated let Ackerman handle anything away from the sewer
    plant. Merrill will talk to Nolan. Cole stated this goes to a bigger question, of whether or not to think of
    this as a public works department. We could change the name of the job and these are your
    assignments, and we compensate you for those other things. Clayton stated for clarification, when you
    do the rec field, Nolan takes care of everything inside the fence, plus weed whacking the exterior. Rick
    does everything else. Ackerman stated I will not mow the plant this week anyway. Talk to them and tell
    me what to do.
  11. Executive Session for Human Resources.
  12. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 9:19 pm.
    The next regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting will be Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 7:30 pm.