Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)
September 5, 2023 Chelsea Town Hall
Board Attendance: Kevin Marshia, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Brinkman, Bill Lyon, Patty Swahn, Administrative Assistant
Other attendees: Karen Lathrop, Gayle Durkee, Nicole Cyr, Robert Brannan, Rick Ackerman, Kasey Peterson
Meeting –
Kevin brought the meeting to order at 6:30 PM
No conflicts of interest
Additions to the agenda: Gayle added the contract from Thrasher Construction, Kasey added Sidewalk update and FEMA
Public Comments – None
White River Intermunicipal Regional Energy Committee (WRV-IREC) – Nicole Cyr-climate/regional energy coordinator, presented information on WRV-IREC to the Selectboard, seeking the town of Chelsea to join WRV-IREC.
Planning Commission – Robert Brannan
The Town Plan is in draft form, final changes need to be made by September 8 before the Selectboard hearing that needs to be held September 19. Planning Commission can suggest changes (including an entire rewrite) at the first meeting. While a hearing is required by stature, a forum is not required and is more about an exchange of ideas.
Planning Commission posted to have input from the Town community members and Kevin Marshia was the only member present. Planning Commission has not sent out surveys to the community, they can do so if the Selectboard directs them to do so. FEMA does not buy the Flood Plain homes; they send the money to the local government or State Government for the buyout.
Amber Tree Service Contract-
Kevin had a conversation with Pete Amber regarding the contract for work on the Commons. Pete and Kevin talked about doing half of the work in the Fall, other half in the Spring, or all work to be done in the Fall and bill half now and half in the Spring.
Leyna moved to approve Pete Amber of Amber Tree Service to do half of the work on the Common. Bill seconded the motion, all in favor “aye”, the motion was approved by all.
Kasey is entering all information into the FEMA Data Form, volunteer hours, pictures of road damage and bridges, this will help reduce 12.5% that the town is required to pay for their share of the flood expense. Kasey will check to see if class 4 roads are covered by FEMA for flood damage.
Sidewalk project – Mike Avery of Avery Excavation has begun the work on the Sidewalk by the Fire Department, Mike could be finished with this project next week.
There is a quote from Mike Avery to repair the front of the Fire Department, Kevin to speak with a representative from the Fire Department to see if they would like for this to be done. The Town will contract with Mike Avery. Leyna moved to approve the additional sidewalk paving at $3,236 with agreement it is to be covered by the Fire Department for their part. Bill seconded the motion. All approve, ‘aye” and the motion passed.
Rick inquired about the drain being done as well, Kevin replied not now, it will be planned during the VTrans project.
This years Grants in Aid has been pushed back to 2024. The Board needs to sign it and give it to Kasey.
Leyna moved to participate in the State’s Grants in Aid program for 2024, Bill seconded the motion, all in favor “aye”, all approved.
The Board wished Patty well, thanked Karen, Gayle, and Kasey for helping with the grants, office, meeting minutes.
Flood damaged roads –
Rick gave the Board and update on the rental of excavators,
John Deere 135 P-Teir – $4,800 a month plus trucking
Pete’s equipment, 85 – $4,800 monthly plus trucking
With material and Rick’s time which would be approximately 100 hours total, the cost to the Town will be $5,000. The Board gives Rick the go ahead with the rental of an excavator. There are two sites that need to be contracted out. The bid packages will be shrunk down. Rick will give 3 contractors a call.
Transfer Station – Bill went over fees with Snook, spoke about recycling sticker. There are 374 households that use the Transfer Station.
Leyna moved to approve June 20 meeting minutes, July 26 minutes, August 1 meeting minutes, August 15 minutes and August 29 minutes. Leyna amended the motion to approve the minutes to include edits by Kelly and Jesse. Bill seconded; no discussion had. All in favor “aye”, meeting minutes were approved by all.
Leyna moved to approve all orders of the night; Bill seconded. No discussion, all in favor “aye’, the orders of the night were approved.
Future agenda items:
FEMA update
Invite Mike Whipple (water/sewer)
Parks and Forest Commission
Planning Commission
Road damage update by Rick
Transfer station fees
Approve minutes
Approve orders of the night
Administrative Assistant position
Leyna moved to enter Executive Session at 8:30 PM, Bill seconded.
Leyna moved to exit Executive Session at 10:18 PM, Bill seconded, no action taken.
Leyna moved to adjourn the meeting, Bill seconded, meeting was adjourned at 10:18 PM