

Selectboard Meeting Minutes June 21, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 7:30 pm at Town Hall
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Mark Whitney, Merrill Whitney, Geoff Clayton
Other Town Officials/Employees present: Marianne McCann (Administrative Assistant) (Herald), Gayle
Durkee (Treasurer), Karen Lathrop (Town Clerk)
Members of the public present: Kasey Peterson

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    Meeting convened by Levar Cole at 7:35 pm.
  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  3. Changes to the Agenda
    Add a couple items to Admin. Asst. Add Liquor license to Town Clerk section. Add Treasurer. Add
    Transfer Station.
  4. Town Clerk
    Karen Lathrop presented a packet of information regarding dog licensing and dog violation complaints
    (tickets). The Animal Control Officer had requested information on the process of fines or penalties for
    dog owners who are not in compliance with the law. Lathrop presented ticket books and written steps
    to move forward with ticketing. Lathrop also presented a report listing 33 dogs that are unlicensed, and
    a copy of a “Second Notice” letter she is sending out to dog owners, showing license fees and delinquent
    fees. Lathrop stated we were very nice to people during Covid, and now no one wants to license their
    Mark Whitney stated this is actually two issues. 1.The nuisance issue. 2. The license issue.
    Geoff Clayton stated the biggest concern is people who are not controlling their dogs. Problem animals
    are the highest priority. We should give out the tickets.
    Lathrop stated the Town Clerk is not enforcement. Someone needs to show the Animal Officer how to
    fill out the ticket. The ticket must be handed to the person, or certified mail. Animal Officer must appear
    in court. We need to have a certified copy of the ordinance.
    Board members mentioned instances of residents notifying Town Clerk of deceased dogs, and the
    deceased dogs remained on the unlicensed list. Cole summarized by stating there is no interest from the
    board to address the license issue at this point. Perhaps there is something we can do to help with
    record-keeping. The board will address the problem animals first. The license issue can be put on the
    agenda again.
    A liquor license request was received just this afternoon (June 21) for an event on June 25. A copy of the
    request was emailed to Selectboard members at 3:41 pm. Selectboard members did not see the
    information prior to the meeting. There was no motion made. There was no action taken.
  5. Department/Liaison Updates
    Levar Cole stated Henry Cesari is not here, but we have been in contact, and I will relay what he told me.
    Cesari is still working to sell the truck. Allegiance is working with him. What about the engine light?
    Remember the board must approve any more expense for this truck. We should not be paying an
    invoice for an engine light.
    Cesari and Cole previously discussed sidewalk snow removal. As a town government, we are obligated
    by statute to maintain the sidewalk. We can make it a shared obligation. We must have an ordinance.
    We are required to meet the ADA sidewalk standard. We want to do that. Cesari will see if people can
    volunteer to do certain sections. Or, we will make changes in budgeting.
    Cole stated Cesari also mentioned that folks in town are upset about the lack of roadside mowing. He is
    aware that there is a petition to use ARPA money for roadside mowing. That would be a non-binding
    petition. If we use ARPA money for roadside mowing, the people in town that want big projects to get
    done, will have to know there will not be enough money left.
    Clayton stated we will be in the hole. I will not support anything but maintain our town and capital
    improvements. We cannot go into next year with a big deficit.
    Gayle Durkee stated Chelsea does not have any money left in the budget for heating fuel, diesel fuel, or
    Mark Whitney stated there are minor safety issues at some intersections. People can take care of these
    Clayton volunteered to weed whack at intersections, if necessary.
    Cole stated, given inflation, we do not know what the cost of roadside mowing will be. It will cost more
    this year. Also, availability of equipment is an issue.
    Re: Grant Writing and Administration
    Kasey Peterson Introduced herself to the board. Peterson briefly explained her grant application for the
    Town Hall. Peterson described a visit with Meeting House Restoration. The balcony needs to be cleaned
    out before an estimate could be given. A good idea for fundraising was given. People buy a chair. As a
    fundraiser, you buy a chair, you get your name on the chair for a donation. We might be able to match
    the grant that way. I’m not sure what else to work on.
    5a. Treasurer:
    Gayle Durkee stated we got locks for the Transfer Station. Combination and master key.
    Order Amounts totalling:
    Payroll 6-22 2,866.73
    6-15 6,149.18
    6-8 3,324.39
    General Orders 6-22 28,118.24
    Highway 6-22 15,558.08
    Water/Sewer 6-22 1,251.40
    Library Payroll 6-15 1.177.94
    Accounts Payable 377.71
    Cole wondered if Cesari can call Allegiance and ask about the invoice amounts. Cole noted Cesari is
    looking for other providers that will be better able (closer and cheaper) to service vehicles for us.
    Re: Transfer Station
    Geoff Clayton stated the bears keep getting into the compost.
    Geoff Clayton moved that the Selectboard approve a cost of up to $750.00 for a shed to enclose the
    compost, with the understanding that Snook will be a second person approving the purchase. Levar
    Cole seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Clayton briefly explained his idea of purchasing a metal shed for around $499 and materials needed to
    beef up the door to make it stronger. That’s the basis for the suggested amount of $750. Clayton and
    Snook will go and get one and install it.
    Mark Whitney requested that the Town Forrest be put on the agenda for the July 5th Selectboard
  6. Public Comments
  7. Administrative Assistant
    Two Village Greens requests presented and signed. One for an event on 6-20-22. Another for an event
    on 7-3-22, a “God and Country Worship Service and Cookout” on the North Common.
    One Roberts Gould Field request presented and signed. Chelsea Flea Market parking set up and event on
    July 8 and July 9.
    Special Town Meeting Logistics: Cole stated the Town Hall set up is scheduled. McCann presented a
    draft warning for the informational hearing before the vote, which must be warned separately. Cole
    made changes. McCann will edit and re-present for approval to the board. Brief discussion about what
    date the notices should appear in the newspaper. The Informational Hearing on July 25 and the
    Australian Ballot vote on July 26 are posted on the town website calendar, and posted around town on
    the bulletin boards.
    ARPA citizen advisory committee debrief: McCann summarized the Public Input Meeting that was held
    on Tuesday, June 14 for the Selectboard. There were over 40 people in attendance. In this
    “brainstorming session”, the majority of the ideas presented were initial and vague. The organizers will
    have more meetings and then make a presentation to the Selectboard.
    A list of grant projects underway and grant applications pending, with amounts expected for matching
    funds was prepared for the Selectboard. McCann stated that when a grant opportunity came through
    the email, she was forwarding the information to the relevant people in Chelsea.
    Levar Cole moved to approve the orders. Mark Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed
  8. Approve minutes
    Levar Cole moved to approve the May 31, 2022 Selectboard Meeting Minutes. Geoff Clayton seconded
    the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Levar Cole moved to approve the June 7, 2022 Selectboard Meeting Minutes. Geoff Clayton seconded
    the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Levar Cole moved to approve the June 14, 2022 Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes. Geoff Clayton
    seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
  9. Appointments
  10. Executive Session for Human Resources.
    None. Cole noted that Mary Ellen Parkman might be able to fill in as a Zoning Administrator.
  11. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm.

Water Dept Meeting Minutes – June 21, 2022

Chelsea Water Department Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 7pm in Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Geoff Clayton (Mark Whitney and Merrill Whitney arrived at 7:22 pm.)
Other Town Officials/Employees present: Marianne McCann (Administrative Assistant)(Herald), Gayle
Durkee (Treasurer)
Members of the Public present: None.

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    Meeting convened at 7:08 pm. No quorum until 7:22 pm, when four Selectboard members were
  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  3. Changes to the Agenda
  4. Approve Water Dept. Board minutes of April 5, 2022
    Skip this item until quorum is reached.
  5. Department/Liaison Updates – Merrill
    Skip this item until quorum is reached.
  6. Town Treasurer
    Re: Water Department Budget Status: Gayle Durkee stated the delinquent report has been printed.
    There is about $17,000. In delinquent water bills. A few of these are expected to be paid with tax sales. 4
    accounts are extremely late. Durkee presented a copy of a letter informing people that they can apply
    for a program or consider making payments.
    Geoff Clayton stated we need to move to a salaried position. We need another full-time person for the
    sewer plant. We need a qualified person to organize everything so that anyone can go in and know how
    to run the plant. We might have a chaotic transition if we don’t get a full-time person.
    Cole stated we can advertise again. What would be the maximum amount of pay we could offer? Durkee
    can find that number. Can we furlough the part time road person? We still need the safety person.
    Durkee stated the COO cannot walk that far to read the meters. The safety employee cannot read the
    meters at 5 am.
    Clayton stated we can make accommodations in order to get the meters read. There is no need to walk
    the whole thing. There is a riding lawnmower. There is a vehicle. We can make it work.
    Cole stated if we are paying the safety employee and he does not do the work, he should be let go. We
    need to tell the COO the meters need to be read. If the safety employee cannot, then he is not able to
    do the job.
    Action: Merrill will talk with COO about the meter reading situation.
    Action: Put this (human resources) on the agenda for the next Selectboard meeting.
    Action: Merrill will tell COO his presence is requested at the next Selectboard meeting, July 5, 2022 at
    7:30 pm.
  7. Rate Payer requests
    A written request from Tim Courts and Carrie Caouette-De Lallo was received 5-9-22 asking that two
    water bills for their one house be changed to reflect the current status as one dwelling unit.
    Geoff Clayton moved to retroactively change the billing at the Tim Courts and Carrie Caouette-De Lallo
    property to only be considered one unit in relation to the water and sewer bill. Levar Cole seconded
    the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
  8. Administrative Assistant
    Re: Amended Water Department Ordinance: Action: Add this ordinance paperwork item to the next
    Water Department Board meeting, Sept. 20, 2022.
    Re: Grant Application Updates: “New and Improved Pump Station for the Chelsea WWTF” was
    approved for congressional funding by the office of Peter Welch. There are many more steps in the
    process of passing the congressional budget. Date and amount of award/match unknown at this time.
    Re: Meter options: No new information on meters at this time. No action taken.
  9. Public Comments
  10. Executive Session for Human Resources
  11. Adjourn
    Geoff Clayton moved to approve the Water Department Board Meeting minutes of April 5, 2022.
    Merrill Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.
    The next regularly scheduled Water Department Board Meeting will be September 20, 2022.
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Selectboard and Water Board Meeting Agenda – June 21, 2022

Chelsea Water
Department Board and Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 21 June 2022
7:00PM Chelsea Town Hall
Chelsea Water Department Board 7:00pm
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Changes to the agenda
4. Approve minutes 5 April 2022
5. Department/Liaison Updates-Merrill
6. Town Treasurer
a. Water Department Budget status
b. Current Water and Sewer rates
7. Rate payer requests
8. Administrative Assistant
a. Amended Water Department ordinance discussion
b. Grant application updates
c. Decision on meter options
9. Public comments
10. Executive Session for Human Resources (1 VSA 313 (a)3)
11. Adjourn
Chelsea Selectboard Meeting 7:30pm
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Changes to the agenda
4. Town Clerk: unlicensed dogs-Karen
5. Department/Liaison Updates
a. Highway: truck sale, roadside mowing-Henry
b. Grant writing and administration-Levar/Kasey
6. Public Comments
7. Administrative Assistant Report
a. Village Greens/Roberts-Gould Field requests
b. Special Town Meeting logistics
c. ARPA citizen advisory committee meeting debrief
8. Approve minutes:
a. Selectboard Meetings
b. 31 May 2022; 7 June 2002; 15 June 2002
9. Appointments:
a. Fence Viewers (3)
b. Inspector of lumber, shingles, and wood
c. Weigher of Coal
d. Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
e. Development Review Board Alternate 2
f. Recreation Committee (1)
g. Development Review Board
10. Executive Session for Human Resources (1 VSA 313 (a)3)
11. Adjourn


Special Selectboard Meeting – June 14, 2022

Chelsea Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 6:30 pm at Town Clerk’s Office
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Mark Whitney, Merrill Whitney, Henry Cesari, Geoff Clayton
Other Town Officials/Employees present: Marianne McCann (Administrative Assistant)(Herald)
Members of the Public present: none.

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    Meeting convened by Levar Cole at 6:33 pm.
  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  3. Public Comments
  4. Special Town Meeting for ATV Ordinance
    This meeting was scheduled for the purpose of signing the Warning for a Special Town Meeting and
    voting via Australian Ballot on July 26, 2022.
    Levar Cole read the Warning out loud. Warning attached here.
    July 26, 2022
    The legal voters of the Town of Chelsea are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Chelsea Town
    Hall, 296 VT Route 110, in the Town of Chelsea on Tuesday, July 26, 2022. Polls are open from 9 am to 7
    pm to vote by Australian Ballot on the following article:
    ARTICLE 1:
    Shall the Town of Chelsea disapprove the “Town of Chelsea Ordinance Regulating All Terrain Vehicles
    (ATVs)” adopted March 15, 2022?
    The notice to voters for Local, Annual, or Special Meetings, and the Voter Checklist for 7-26-22, can be
    found online at the Town of Chelsea Website: .
    Dated this 17th day of June, 2022
    By the Selectboard members of the Town of Chelsea:

Levar Cole moved to approve the Warning for Town of Chelsea Special Town Meeting, July 26, 2022. Geoff Clayton seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Warning was signed.

  1. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 6:44 pm.

Informational Meeting
Prior to the Australian Ballot Vote:
Monday, July 25, 2022 at 7:00 pm
In the Chelsea Town Hall


Selectboard Meeting Minutes – June 7, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 7:30 pm at Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Merrill Whitney, Mark Whitney, Geoff Clayton, Henry Cesari
Other Town Officials/Employees present: Marianne McCann (Administrative Assistant)(Herald)
Members of the Public present: Gregg Herrin

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    Meeting convened by Levar Cole at 7:35 pm.
  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  3. Changes to the Agenda
    Admin. Assistant adds a couple items. Geoff Clayton adds presenting information on the riverbank
    erosion near the horseshoe area under Hazard Mitigation.
  4. Town Treasurer
    Orders presented.
  5. Department Liaison Updates
    Re: Highway Dept. Henry Cesari stated no offers for the truck for sale have been received yet. Cesari
    proposed sending a letter out to Chelsea residents explaining the highway budget issues and what the
    Selectboard is doing to save money. Sample letter presented. Brief discussion about sample letter.
    Clayton suggested presenting a cost comparison between our highway dept. and other towns highway
    depts. Cole stated in the unlikely event that we have a surplus this year, we could carry a cost over into
    the next year. It’s likely we will have a deficit. Next year it will cost more. Clayton stated we need to
    clarify with Road Foreman re: grading. The Highway dept. needs to not be hesitant on grading.
    Henry Cesari moved to approve a letter to the Town of Chelsea regarding the Highway budget and a
    notice about the roadside mowing. Motion seconded by Mark Whitney. Motion passed unanimously.
    Action: Prepare letter on letterhead for signing Thursday night.
    Action: Henry Cesari will contact Road Foreman, making it clear that roads should be passable even if
    running a budget deficit.
    Discussion about gravel stockpile at the Town Garage.
    Re: White River Valley Consortium. Levar Cole reported the history and the state of the Consortium of
    the 14 towns in the White River Valley which are working together to apply for funding from the Federal
    Reserve. Cole stated the group’s vision for the current round of funding is housing. Vital Communities is
    doing all the legwork. Housing options are being investigated. Towns owning housing? Accessory
    dwelling units? Ways to reduce costs and make housing available? Workshop on June 30th. Goal for that
    meeting is to re-connect with Selectboards and organizations. If there is any interest, Cole will forward
    Re: Creamery/School Water Drain. Geoff Clayton stated he is waiting for copies of the deeds. The drain
    was made so long ago that there might not be easements in the deeds. Clayton stated the stark legal
    reality is that the Town does not own either parcel. The drain is on the school property and the Button
    property. Clayton stated water has been going under that building for 50 or 60 years. The issue is
    between Button and the school. Clayton stated there is no connection between the town and the
    Creamery and the drain. Henry Cesari stated the Selectboard does not have responsibility for this issue.
    The drain should continue somewhere and then flow into the river.
    Action: Clayton will contact Button. For hazard mitigation, flooding, maybe there is a grant available.
    Action: Drop this item from the agenda for now.
    Gregg Herrin stated he was interested in understanding the water drain issue. It was suggested Herrin
    could offer another opinion to Mr. Button.
    Re: Riverbank erosion at the Horseshoe/Sewer Plant. Geoff Clayton recommends shoring up the
    riverbank, likely with rip-rap. Clayton suggests maybe it’s a use of ARPA money.
    Gregg Herrin stated if adding rip-rap to protect that area, you might also want to look at where the
    water is directed from and where it will be directed to. The State will come up with a plan.
    Clayton stated that one thing that has changed over the years is that the horseshoe area has enlarged
    and bushes with roots that stabilize the bank have been removed. Clayton suggests this might be a use
    of ARPA money.
    Re: Grant Writing and Administration: Levar Cole spoke with Kasey Peterson. There is no feedback yet
    about the status of the Town Hall Grant. Cole suggested to the board that when we have Peterson do
    more work we pay her at the same rate. Cole seeks continued approval of the board to deal with further
    grant writing work. Kasey Peterson will attend the next Selectboard meeting at June 21. Bridge grant
    possibilities are being investigated.
  6. Public Comments
  7. Administrative Assistant Report
    Special Town Meeting: June 9th at 7pm at the Town Hall. Floor vote to decide if Chelsea will vote in the
    future by Australian Ballot. Town is prepared.
    ARPA citizen advisory group meeting date is Tuesday, June 14th at 7pm in the Town Hall. Action: Admin.
    Assistant will put on calendar on Chelsea website. Also, paper versions on bulletin boards.
    Downtown and Village Center Tax Credits: Kasey Peterson reviewed paperwork. Not for Municipal
    buildings. Potential money for private property owners in Downtown and Village Center areas. Deadline
    for application is July 1, 2022. Interested people should go to the Vermont Agency of Commerce and
    Community Development website for more information.
    Letter of Intent to Participate in the SFY23 Municipal Roads Grants-in-aid program was presented to the
    Selectboard to sign. Deadline to submit is June 24, 2022. This is for a multi-year project with
    hydrologically connected road segments. Action: Selectboard agreed and signed letter of intent.
    Prouty Map showing route through town has been distributed to Fire, Highway, and Police, as requested
    by Prouty. Prouty bicycle ride will be Friday July 8, 2022.
    A sample job description was presented to the Selectboard as a language example of a job that
    combined two departments into one job for one employee. Brief discussion about a Public Works
    Director and supervisory roles.
    Geoff Clayton stated The First Branch Ambulance and/or the Fire Department want to have a Fourth of
    July Parade. Clayton asked if they have to get a permit? How would we plan for this? Mark Whitney
    stated he went to the Tunbridge Memorial Day parade and chicken barbeque. Whitney expressed the
    view that Chelsea should be able to have a Fourth of July Parade. Clayton agreed. It was suggested to
    piggyback an event with the Chelsea Flea Market. It was suggested to have a dance in the Town Hall.
    Action: In general, the Selectboard supports these kind of community events. No specific plans.
  8. Approve Minutes
    Approval of the May 31st Selectboard Meeting minutes moved to the next Selectboard meeting agenda.
  9. Appointments
  10. Executive Session
    Levar Cole moved to enter Executive Session for Human Resources at 8:45 pm, and inviting Marianne
    McCann into the Executive Session. Seconded by Mark Whitney. Motion passed unanimously.
    Geoff Clayton moved to exit Executive Session. Mark Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed
    Afterwards, no action was taken.
  11. Approve Orders
    Levar Cole moved to approve the orders, except for the over-payment of one employee. Henry Cesari
    seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Action: Cole noticed an error in the payment amount for one employee. Cole will talk to the Treasurer.
    All orders approved except that one order.
  12. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 9:21 pm.
    The next regularly scheduled Selectboard Meeting will be Tuesday, June 21st at 7:30 pm.
    The next regularly scheduled Water Department Meeting will be Tuesday, June 21st at 7 pm.

Selectboard Meeting Agenda – June 7, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 7 June 2022
7:30PM Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Changes to the agenda
  4. Town Treasurer
    a. Budget status
    b. Approve Orders
  5. Department/Liaison Updates
    a. Highway-Henry
    b. White River Valley Consortium Working Communities Challenge-Levar
    c. Creamery/school water drain follow-up-Geoff
    d. Grant writing and administration-Levar
  6. Public Comments
  7. Administrative Assistant Report
    a. Village Greens/Roberts-Gould Field requests
    b. Special Town Meeting
    c. ARPA citizen advisory committee meeting date
    d. Downtown and Village Tax Credit opportunity for residents
  8. Approve minutes:
    a. Selectboard Meeting 31 May 2022
  9. Appointments:
    a. Fence Viewers (3)
    b. Inspector of lumber, shingles, and wood
    c. Weigher of Coal
    d. Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
    e. Development Review Board Alternate 2
    f. Recreation Committee (1)
    g. Development Review Board
  10. Executive Session for Human Resources (1 VSA 313 (a)3)-hiring for
    water/wastewater and Zoning Administrator
  11. Adjourn

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – May 31, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 31, 2022, 7:30 pm at Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Mark Whitney, Geoff Clayton, Henry Cesari, Merrill Whitney
Other Town Officials/Employees present: Marianne McCann (Administrative Assistant) (Herald), Rick Ackerman (Road Foreman), Gayle Durkee (Treasurer)
Members of the public present: John Parker, Cindy Allen

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    Meeting convened by Levar Cole, Chair, at 7:35 pm.
  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  3. Changes to the Agenda
    Admin. Asst. will add items under her report. Geoff Clayton eliminated Creamery Drain report. This item
    will be moved to a future meeting.
  4. Town Treasurer
    Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, presented the Town budget to date. Durkee stated the Town Hall is 124% of
    budget for heating oil. There are full tanks now. Diesel fuel is 97% of budget. Heating fuel for
    Town garage is 83% of budget. Gravel is 101% of budget. The price increases in these items have
    caused the high percentages of budget amounts being depleted early in the year. Durkee stated
    she expects increases in the cost of electricity and phone services.
    Treasurer reported on the Audit. There were no material deficiencies, no findings, no recommendations.
    There is nothing in particular to act on.
    Mark Whitney moved to approve the orders. Henry Cesari seconded the motion. Motion passed
    Orders Totalling:
    Payroll: $8,087.63
    Payroll: $3,905.93
    Payroll, Library: $1,489.32
    General: $15,922.00
    Garage/Highway: $10,328.89
    Water/Sewer: $2,362.19
  5. Department/Liaison Updates
    Levar Cole stated Doug Lyford was scheduled to report on the Transportation Advisory Committee work
    underway. Lyford couldn’t make it to this meeting. There is no report for now. Lyford’s main
    priorities are the drainage plan behind the Quick Stop and the Maple Ave. bridge.
    Merrill Whitney stated he spoke with the COO of the Water facility. COO was going to speak with
    employee. COO has not got back to me yet.
    Levar Cole stated he had a phone call with the water dept. employee. It is supposed to be a temporary
    position. If the employee feels he cannot do the job anymore, we will have to find someone else
    to do the work.
    Cindy Allen stated at one point FEMA had suggested that the parking lot be taken down to the original
    level, so that there would be more space around the sewer plant for the water to flow.
    Geoff Clayton stated the river bank needs stabilizing, maybe rip rap, near the Horseshoe area.
    Levar Cole stated we can look into these issues. We need a request in writing.
    Admin. Assistant stated she was researching hand dryers and toilets and installation costs for the Town
    Hall bathroom, per instructions from the Selectboard. Report on models chosen and plumbers
    and electricians called. A.A. reported plumbers are difficult to call and schedule, one is 2 months
    out with work scheduling. Hand dryer and electrician estimate is in the works.
    Geoff Clayton moved to allow work on toilet and hand dryer for the Town Hall bathroom to proceed,
    with a maximum cost of $1,500. For the dryer and the toilet, and not to exceed a combined
    maximum cost of $3,000. , with the Selectboard Chair managing the project with the
    Administrative Assistant. Mark Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Henry Cesari stated, regarding the Highway budget, at the last meeting we directed the Highway Dept.
    NOT to do the roadside mowing as a cost cutting measure. Cesari suggested applying for an
    invasive species grant, which might allow us to pay for the roadside mowing. Could we direct
    the freelance grant writer to take a few hours and see what grants might be available?
    Henry Cesari stated, regarding the Highway budget, and selling the old truck, that he met with Dan from
    Allegiance, who had previously made an offer for the truck. Again, there is a potential offer for
    the truck of around $30,000. Do we want money now, or wait and possibly get more money
    Geoff Clayton moved to authorize Henry Cesari to sell the old truck with a floor of $30,000., and with
    the understanding that the preference is to get more money from the sale. Henry Cesari
    seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Levar Cole stated the Greens upkeep was on the agenda because grass seeding needs to be done. Rick
    Ackerman stated the Highway Department has never done anything for the Green. The spot that
    needs seeding is on the end where the Farmer’s Market sets up. Board consensus is to wait for
    the Fall, with Levar Cole responsible for bringing this up later in the year.
    Levar Cole briefly stated the background of the White River Valley Consortium Working Communities
    Challenge. A group of towns worked together to get a grant. They did not get a grant in the last
    cycle. Now, there is some other grant money available. The main initiative now is affordable
    housing. Cole will give an update after June 6.
    Regarding the Recreation Committee and mowing the Rec. Fields. Selectboard asks if the Rec. Com. can
    mow those fields? Selectboard has considered a mowing contract for the whole town. John
    Parker stated previously the Rec. Com put the mowing out to bid. When the Town took it over,
    the Rec. Com. Pays the bills. The Rec. Com. would like input and to be involved. Cole asked why
    the Rec. Com. would make the final decision? Parker stated the Town took over the Treasury
    and the accounting, and we (Rec. Com.) just pay the bill. Clayton stated we have a Rec. Com. for
    a reason. Why doesn’t the Rec. Com just make a decision, and then it comes to us? Parker
    stated the Rec. Com. would be happy to do the bidding process. The Rec. Com. heard that the
    Town/Highway Dept. can’t keep doing it because they have too much to do. Clayton stated the
    Selectboard would not cut back on mowing fields where activities happen. The biggest
    discussion was about roadside mowing. And, one highway employee was absent for awhile.
    There is no problem with Rick doing the mowing, even with overtime, it still makes sense to
    have him do it. Clayton stated, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. Mark Whitney asked if there could be
    a cost comparison between Highway Dept. mowing and an independent contractor mowing.
    Whitney would like to see some numbers.
  6. Public Comments
    John Parker, speaking on behalf of the Recreation Committee, requested Selectboard approval to make
    two changes. The first one is to extend the lower parking lot on the south end of the area that is
    used for the ice rink, extending it towards the volleyball court. In the winter, everybody parks
    there. The grass does not come back. The Rec Com. would like to extend the gravel about ¾ of
    the length of the ice rink. Do we have to go through Zoning to do that? Selectboard suggests
    checking with Zoning, checking with Highway Dept. Mark Whitney asked if you pull the sod out,
    will you put down filter fabric and put gravel back in? Parker says yes.
    Geoff Clayton moved to approve the Recreation Department request upon other conditional zoning
    and flood zone regulations. Merrill Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed, with one
    absention, Levar Cole.
    John Parker, Recreation Committee, stated that before making any improvements anywhere, we want
    to make sure the Selectboard is okay with the project. People have requested an 8 foot hoop at
    the Basketball Court. The Rec. Com. seeks to place another pole with an 8 foot hoop at half
    court on the river side. Geoff Clayton stated, our hoop does not need to be jumped through.
    Selectboard agreed to approve this project.
    Cindy Allen stated there is a big structure at Stone Road and Hook Road. It looks like some big building is
    going in there. Action: check with Zoning Administrator.
    Cindy Allen stated the Kate Willard wanted to make sure she wasn’t supposed to be here to talk about
    the Town Forest Plan. Levar Cole stated we will take that up in late June or early July. We are
    waiting on the Forrester’s Report.
    Cindy Allen stated there will be a public input for ARPA money spending proposals meeting on June 14th.
    The citizen committee to gather public input is holding this event. Allen learned about it on
    social media. Brief discussion about notifying the public in ways other than social media.
    Geoff Clayton reported receiving another complaint about vendor accessibility at the Farmer’s Market.
    The complainer had stated other farmers markets policies are just to show up and pay the fee.
    Clayton reportedly told the complainer to just set up on the sidewalk. Cole stated for context,
    comments had been made before about alleged price protection at the Chelsea Farmer’s
    Market. Cole stated the Selectboard will keep this in mind because we approve the Market’s use
    of the Green.
  7. Administrative Assistant Report
    Green Rental request from Rusty Dewees to do his MACK Truck the logger show on the Green. Report
    on letter received to the Selectboard. Village Greens policy states all programs must be free of
    charge and open to the public. Action: respond to Dewees letter and request more information.
    Weed Whacking Chervil request from Marty Gratz. Letter received requesting weed whacking the
    borders of the town lot behind the old garage, and if the town cannot do it, request is to allow
    her to hire someone to do the weed whacking. Rick Ackerman reported he already did the work.
    Initially he did not because he thought the Water Department employee would be doing the
    mowing there. Action: respond to Gratz letter stating the Town takes care of that lot, and if you
    do not think it sufficient, you can do it.
    Transfer Station Switch installation was completed last week. Pictures of new switches were taken this
    weekend. Grant completion paperwork is underway. Barney McRae requested an increase in
    the invoiced amount due to increased costs and having to drive here for two days to complete
    the job. McRae has submitted 2 invoices, one with the original amount, agreed upon in the
    grant agreement, and another one with an additional $534.60. Action: pay the larger bill. Submit
    grant paperwork requesting additional amount billed.
    AT&T cell tower – 60 Day Advance Notice, dated May 19th, 2022, received for a new location in Chelsea:
    16 Windswept Lane. Request from DRM is to have the Selectboard write a letter of
    recommendation to the PUC. If requested, DRM will make a presentation to the board about
    this new potential location. There was a balloon test on Tuesday, May 24th. The full Advance
    Notice is on the DRM website. A paper version was given to the Chair. Cole stated, as with the
    other AT&T cell tower proposed locations, the Selectboard will let the Planning Commission take
    the lead on public input and writing a letter. If this board needs to write a letter, then we will.
    Grant Opportunity email received. There is an application due by July 1, 2022. Downtown and Village
    Center Tax Credits. There is a webinar on June 2. A brief review looks like something KC
    Peterson or Doug Lyford would like to apply for. Action: Give paperwork/forward links to KC
    Sidewalk Update: The State Access and Work Permit was sent in on 5-26-22. The next step is putting out
    an RFP.
  8. Approve Minutes
    Levar Cole moved to approve the minutes of May 17, 2022. Geoff Clayton seconded the motion.
    Motion passed unanimously.
  9. Appointments
  10. Executive Session for Human Resources
    Levar Cole moved to enter into Executive Session for Human Resources, and inviting Marianne
    McCann into the Session, at 9:02 pm. Geoff Clayton seconded the motion. Motion passed
    Levar Cole moved to exit Executive Session at 9:35 pm. Geoff Clayton seconded the motion. Motion
    passed unanimously.
    Afterwards, the Selectboard agreed Levar Cole will contact the temporary employee at the Water Sewer
    Roberts Poor Fund Request. There was a brief discussion. There were 2 requests. The balance is
    $80,000. Action: Distribute money from the fund.
  11. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 9:43 pm.
    The next regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting will be Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 7:30 pm in the
    Chelsea Town Hall.

Selectboard Meeting Agenda – May 31, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 31 May 2022
7:30PM Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Changes to the agenda
  4. Town Treasurer
    a. Budget status
    b. Audit update
    c. Approve Orders
  5. Department/Liaison Updates
    a. TRORC Transportation Advisory Committee-Doug
    b. Water/Sewer-Merrill
    c. Town Hall repairs-Levar
    d. Highway (truck sale, town mowing)-Henry
    e. Road Foreman-question about Greens upkeep, seeding, etc.
    f. White River Valley Consortium Working Communities Challenge-Levar
    g. Creamery/school water drain follow-up-Geoff
    h. Recreation Committee-question/mowing options Heath Field-Mark/Levar
  6. Public Comments
  7. Administrative Assistant Report
    a. Village Greens/Roberts Gould Field requests
    b. Water and Sewer billing follow-up on options
    c. Training debriefs
    d. DRB public meeting update
    e. Transfer Station switch installation
    f. Town lot maintenance request
    g. AT&T Advance Notice dated 5/19/2022
    h. Sidewalk update
  8. Approve minutes:
    a. Selectboard Meeting 17 May 2022
  9. Appointments:
    a. Fence Viewers (3)
    b. Inspector of lumber, shingles, and wood
    c. Weigher of Coal
    d. Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
    e. Development Review Board Alternate 2
    f. Recreation Committee (1)
    g. Development Review Board
  10. Executive Session for Human Resources (1 VSA 313 (a)3)-hiring for
    water/wastewater and Zoning Administrator
  11. Adjourn

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – May 17, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 17, 2022, 7:30 pm at Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Geoff Clayton, Henry Cesari, Mark Whitney, Merrill Whitney
Other Town Officials/Employees present: Marianne McCann (Administrative Assistant)(Herald), Rick Ackerman (Road Foreman)
Members of the public present: Robert Button

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    Meeting convened by Levar Cole, Chair, at 7:32 pm.
  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  3. Changes to the Agenda
    Administrative Assistant added a couple items under AA Report.
  4. Treasurer
    Re: Budget Status: Levar Cole stated due to increasing costs we must do what we can to conserve oil. Town Treasurer has advised that there is not a locked in price for oil. The Town is subject to uncontrollable price increases for heating oil and diesel fuel. Cole stated we will burn through the heating fuel and diesel budget this year. Rick Ackerman stated there is not much you can cut back on, in terms of diesel fuel use at the Town Garage. Geoff Clayton stated we need to find ways to save money.
    Clayton mentioned there was a time when people were responsible for snow removal from sidewalks, not the town. Rick Ackerman stated that years ago, Don Yates and Whitey Adams did snow removal, after they left, people were walking in the road, and after that, the Town took responsibility for sidewalk snow removal. Clayton stated the Selectboard needs to present to the town that we could see a 50% increase in the road budget, just to keep the current services. Ackerman stated we use about 35 gallons of diesel each time we plow the sidewalks. Cole asked if we should consider rationing. Clayton suggested the possibility of getting a large tank and storing a quantity of diesel fuel. Action: Cesari will check with
    Road Foreman re: snow and sidewalks. Check with Treasurer to confirm locked into a fuel rate or not.
    Henry Cesari moved to approve the orders. Mark Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Orders Totalling:
    General Orders $20,828.34
    Highway $28,127.40
    Water/Sewer $1,104.26
    Rec Department $170.00
    Payroll $7,302.08
    Library Payroll $2,299.86
    AIP $129.00
  5. Department/Liaison Updates
    Mark Whitney stated re: the Town Forest Plan, that Kate Willard has reported that the inventory is completed. Willard requests to present the information to the board and requests a date. Cole re-stated the background on this request for the benefit of the new board members. A previous selectboard had cut trees, but never finished the Town Forest Plan. Then, Coronavirus. Now, finishing the Town Forest Plan, with David Paganelli. Cesari asked the purpose of the Town Forest Plan. Recreational? Or Financial plan? Are there different parcels? The Selectboard agreed to get a plan finished.
  6. Public Comments
    Robert Button asked if the Town Forest Plan will necessitate cutting the ash trees. Rick Ackerman stated Levar and I were supposed to ride around and look at ash trees. Levar Cole stated we will do that. The Road Foreman and the Selectboard are in general agreement that the Town of Chelsea does not have many large ash trees near the roads that would be likely to fall into the roads in case the trees die. The ride around was to be an informal survey of ash trees at risk.
  7. Administrative Assistant Report
    Re: Creamery/School water drain.
    Report on the existing conditions at the Creamery building water drain prepared by M. McCann presented to the board. Brief discussion about possible remedies for the flooding/repair of the drain. Robert Button stated problems and construction history of the drain. Geoff Clayton will be the “point person” on this project. Next steps might be: engineering firm, environmental impact assessment.
    Selectboard would like to avoid Federal entanglement.
    Re: Highway Dept: Mowing/Tractor Rental.
    Rick Ackerman, Road Foreman, requests clarification on mowing duties for the Highway Department. Who mows at the Sewer plant? Who mows at the town fields? All the town properties? (Town properties mowed include: Rec Field, Parks, Tennis Court, Chelsea sign on 113, Sewer Plant, 3 FEMA lots, pump station, Kennedy, water tank, and behind old garage.) Ackerman mowed last Friday. Ackerman incurred overtime pay by doing this. Ackerman proposed to the board he could mow on Fridays for the town, using the town equipment, for $20.00 per hour. Selectboard agreed in principal to the need for clarifying mowing duties, but had questions about budget issues and employment law. Ackerman
    suggested hiring another Road crew person, with that person mowing. There was a brief Human Resources discussion regarding the Road crew. Clayton suggested hiring a part time road crew person for plowing/mowing season. Seasonal workers with CDLs. Mowing contracts were discussed. The Town has budgeted for 3 full time road employees. The Town has 2 full time and 1 part time employee.
    Actions: Make a proposal for Human Resources for Highway Dept. Decide if Town is willing to pay Rick/John for the mowing, which may entail overtime. Henry will consult with Rick re: employee status.
    Rick can cut back on some mowing. If mowing runs into overtime, ok. But not 11 hours of overtime.
    Merrill will check with Nolan about sewer plant mowing.
    Re: Roadside mowing.
    Ackerman asks if Chelsea should eliminate roadside mowing. Usually, the Highway crew mows 2 passes on the whole town. Roadside mowing is for visibility and to keep brush down. Usually a tractor is rented for the month of July. If we will not be mowing, we should tell people early, so they can mow themselves, if desired. Mark Whitney stated fuel availability might be a factor.
    Action: No roadside mowing for now. Selectboard will revisit this issue.
    Re: Selling old truck. Cesari will check with Allegiance. There is an option for “Auction International”.
    Henry Cesari moved to approve the Application for Access to a Town Highway by Carl and Mary Jo Childs. Geoff Clayton seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Re: Water Meters.
    Admin. Asst. informed the Selectboard about water meter research. A salesperson from FW Webb will come and make a presentation if desired. Action: Levar Cole requests a paper version of water meter research. Selectboard does not want a presentation. Three contrasting water bills from three properties were shared with the Selectboard to illustrate the vast difference in measured water useage and the same amount billed to all water customers. A water customer has made a request to remove one water bill from a house with 2 water bills and one meter. Robert Button commented that the old IGA building
    has 9 electric meters. The Selectboard agreed there is a need to make changes and will address these issues at the upcoming water department board meeting on June 21st.
    Re: Training Debriefs.
    Cannabis training is May 24th on Zoom. The DRB hearing is May 25th. Admin. Asst. will attend Zoom training and send a summary memo to Selectboard members.
    Re: ATV question letter.
    Admin Asst. informed Selectboard an email was received asking a question about ATVs. Action: Copy
    Mark Whitney on ATV email and response.
    Admin Asst. informed Selectboard about the need to provide more detailed information for the State Highway Access Permit for the Sidewalk Project. Part of the request is for a pedestrian detour plan to be utilized during construction. Action: Copy Levar Cole and Jeremy Hook on sidewalk plan.
    Geoff Clayton obtained the file with the documentation of approximate boundary lines of
    School/Town/Creamery and adjoining properties. Clayton will research the deeds and propose the next steps in the Creamery drain issue.
  8. Executive Session for Human Resources
    Levar Cole moved to enter into Executive Session for Human Resources for Water/Wastewater and Highway, and inviting Marianne McCann into the Executive Session. Mark Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Levar Cole moved to exit Executive Session at 10:12 pm. Mark Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Afterwards, a decision was made to have Merrill Whitney contact the Water/Wastewater Chief Operator regarding meter readings and mowing at the sewer facility.
  9. Approve Minutes
    Levar Cole moved to approve the minutes of May 3, 2022. Geoff Clayton seconded the motion.
    Motion passed unanimously.
  10. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:15 pm.
    The next Selectboard meeting will be Tuesday, May 31st at 7:30 pm in the Chelsea Town Hall