Selectboard Meeting Minutes June 21, 2022
Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 7:30 pm at Town Hall
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Mark Whitney, Merrill Whitney, Geoff Clayton
Other Town Officials/Employees present: Marianne McCann (Administrative Assistant) (Herald), Gayle
Durkee (Treasurer), Karen Lathrop (Town Clerk)
Members of the public present: Kasey Peterson
- Call Meeting to Order
Meeting convened by Levar Cole at 7:35 pm. - Conflict of Interest Disclosure
None. - Changes to the Agenda
Add a couple items to Admin. Asst. Add Liquor license to Town Clerk section. Add Treasurer. Add
Transfer Station. - Town Clerk
Karen Lathrop presented a packet of information regarding dog licensing and dog violation complaints
(tickets). The Animal Control Officer had requested information on the process of fines or penalties for
dog owners who are not in compliance with the law. Lathrop presented ticket books and written steps
to move forward with ticketing. Lathrop also presented a report listing 33 dogs that are unlicensed, and
a copy of a “Second Notice” letter she is sending out to dog owners, showing license fees and delinquent
fees. Lathrop stated we were very nice to people during Covid, and now no one wants to license their
Mark Whitney stated this is actually two issues. 1.The nuisance issue. 2. The license issue.
Geoff Clayton stated the biggest concern is people who are not controlling their dogs. Problem animals
are the highest priority. We should give out the tickets.
Lathrop stated the Town Clerk is not enforcement. Someone needs to show the Animal Officer how to
fill out the ticket. The ticket must be handed to the person, or certified mail. Animal Officer must appear
in court. We need to have a certified copy of the ordinance.
Board members mentioned instances of residents notifying Town Clerk of deceased dogs, and the
deceased dogs remained on the unlicensed list. Cole summarized by stating there is no interest from the
board to address the license issue at this point. Perhaps there is something we can do to help with
record-keeping. The board will address the problem animals first. The license issue can be put on the
agenda again.
A liquor license request was received just this afternoon (June 21) for an event on June 25. A copy of the
request was emailed to Selectboard members at 3:41 pm. Selectboard members did not see the
information prior to the meeting. There was no motion made. There was no action taken. - Department/Liaison Updates
Levar Cole stated Henry Cesari is not here, but we have been in contact, and I will relay what he told me.
Cesari is still working to sell the truck. Allegiance is working with him. What about the engine light?
Remember the board must approve any more expense for this truck. We should not be paying an
invoice for an engine light.
Cesari and Cole previously discussed sidewalk snow removal. As a town government, we are obligated
by statute to maintain the sidewalk. We can make it a shared obligation. We must have an ordinance.
We are required to meet the ADA sidewalk standard. We want to do that. Cesari will see if people can
volunteer to do certain sections. Or, we will make changes in budgeting.
Cole stated Cesari also mentioned that folks in town are upset about the lack of roadside mowing. He is
aware that there is a petition to use ARPA money for roadside mowing. That would be a non-binding
petition. If we use ARPA money for roadside mowing, the people in town that want big projects to get
done, will have to know there will not be enough money left.
Clayton stated we will be in the hole. I will not support anything but maintain our town and capital
improvements. We cannot go into next year with a big deficit.
Gayle Durkee stated Chelsea does not have any money left in the budget for heating fuel, diesel fuel, or
Mark Whitney stated there are minor safety issues at some intersections. People can take care of these
Clayton volunteered to weed whack at intersections, if necessary.
Cole stated, given inflation, we do not know what the cost of roadside mowing will be. It will cost more
this year. Also, availability of equipment is an issue.
Re: Grant Writing and Administration
Kasey Peterson Introduced herself to the board. Peterson briefly explained her grant application for the
Town Hall. Peterson described a visit with Meeting House Restoration. The balcony needs to be cleaned
out before an estimate could be given. A good idea for fundraising was given. People buy a chair. As a
fundraiser, you buy a chair, you get your name on the chair for a donation. We might be able to match
the grant that way. I’m not sure what else to work on.
5a. Treasurer:
Gayle Durkee stated we got locks for the Transfer Station. Combination and master key.
Order Amounts totalling:
Payroll 6-22 2,866.73
6-15 6,149.18
6-8 3,324.39
General Orders 6-22 28,118.24
Highway 6-22 15,558.08
Water/Sewer 6-22 1,251.40
Library Payroll 6-15 1.177.94
Accounts Payable 377.71
Cole wondered if Cesari can call Allegiance and ask about the invoice amounts. Cole noted Cesari is
looking for other providers that will be better able (closer and cheaper) to service vehicles for us.
Re: Transfer Station
Geoff Clayton stated the bears keep getting into the compost.
Geoff Clayton moved that the Selectboard approve a cost of up to $750.00 for a shed to enclose the
compost, with the understanding that Snook will be a second person approving the purchase. Levar
Cole seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Clayton briefly explained his idea of purchasing a metal shed for around $499 and materials needed to
beef up the door to make it stronger. That’s the basis for the suggested amount of $750. Clayton and
Snook will go and get one and install it.
Mark Whitney requested that the Town Forrest be put on the agenda for the July 5th Selectboard
Meeting. - Public Comments
None. - Administrative Assistant
Two Village Greens requests presented and signed. One for an event on 6-20-22. Another for an event
on 7-3-22, a “God and Country Worship Service and Cookout” on the North Common.
One Roberts Gould Field request presented and signed. Chelsea Flea Market parking set up and event on
July 8 and July 9.
Special Town Meeting Logistics: Cole stated the Town Hall set up is scheduled. McCann presented a
draft warning for the informational hearing before the vote, which must be warned separately. Cole
made changes. McCann will edit and re-present for approval to the board. Brief discussion about what
date the notices should appear in the newspaper. The Informational Hearing on July 25 and the
Australian Ballot vote on July 26 are posted on the town website calendar, and posted around town on
the bulletin boards.
ARPA citizen advisory committee debrief: McCann summarized the Public Input Meeting that was held
on Tuesday, June 14 for the Selectboard. There were over 40 people in attendance. In this
“brainstorming session”, the majority of the ideas presented were initial and vague. The organizers will
have more meetings and then make a presentation to the Selectboard.
A list of grant projects underway and grant applications pending, with amounts expected for matching
funds was prepared for the Selectboard. McCann stated that when a grant opportunity came through
the email, she was forwarding the information to the relevant people in Chelsea.
Levar Cole moved to approve the orders. Mark Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed
unanimously. - Approve minutes
Levar Cole moved to approve the May 31, 2022 Selectboard Meeting Minutes. Geoff Clayton seconded
the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Levar Cole moved to approve the June 7, 2022 Selectboard Meeting Minutes. Geoff Clayton seconded
the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Levar Cole moved to approve the June 14, 2022 Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes. Geoff Clayton
seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. - Appointments
None. - Executive Session for Human Resources.
None. Cole noted that Mary Ellen Parkman might be able to fill in as a Zoning Administrator. - Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm.