Minutes of the Forest and Parks Commission
September 9, 2024
Chelsea Public Library
6:00 p.m.
Present: Jen Chase, Susan Elder, Andy Pomerantz, Linda Kuban, Erik Anderson, Lizzy
Amber, Marty Gratz (via zoom) and John Latham (via Zoom).
The minutes of the August 5, 2024 meeting were approved as submitted.
No public comments.
Jen Chase reported that she spoke to Ron Johnson to get a quote on the work needed
for the Commons including adding fill in low spots, fertilizing, seeding, aeration, etc. The
quote totals $2400. Jen is going to ask for a breakdown. Once finalized the group will
bring to the Board for approval. It is unknown whether this work needs to go in as an
Susan Elder thanked Lizzie Amber for assistance in the purchase and delivery of trees
and shrubs for the pollinator garden. Erik Anderson said he thinks October 8th and 10th
would work as planting dates. He suggested that the older students be first to help with
digging and the younger classes be brought in afterwards for planting of bulbs and
watering, etc. Erik will look into the possibility of making benches in the school’s
workshop. Cost would be only materials. Susan will look into access to water and
promotion of the work day and will contact lot neighbors. The Amber family will supply
bark mulch. Lizzy and Susan will find a date for marking out the lot for tree planting.
Jen spoke to Russell at the Upper Valley Trails Alliance. It will cost $100 for
membership. State Agency of N.R. Orange Cty. forester Dave Paganelli suggested it is
a good organization to join. 7 acres of the town’s forest has been logged. The
selectboard knows it needs to move forward with the remainder but Paganelli will need
to develop a logging plan first and he is busy with several projects already. A logging
plan could also be done by a private firm. Once a logging plan is done, trail creation can
be planned.
Erik Anderson is interested in involving his class on the trail work and feels this is a
good fit for school participation. The sign work approved by the selectboard for the
Town forest may be another student woodworking project; such as a Town Forest sign,
a parking sign, and trail signs.
The next meeting will be held on October 7th at the Chelsea Public Library.